His butler: Spoiling Lady Celestia (Sebastian's headache)

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Mina's POV

"My lady wake up" a voice said

"Nightmare?" I mumbled

"My lady wake up I sent a letter to phantomhive manor informing of your visit we need to be there by noon so wake up" he said

I sat up on the bed

"What on earth is with that appearance?" I asked half asleep

"I can't be in my demon form around humans I know better" he said

Nightmare was wearing a butlers outfit with his hair done and talking politely

"You look ridiculous in that butlers outfit" I laughed

"It's not nightmare it's night and you lady Celestia have a very busy schedule today" he said


"That is your name isn't it?" He teased

"I haven't told you to call me that demon" I warned

"Besides you cannot be referred as Mina around the servants at phantomhive manor with your appearance". He said

"Do you want to die nightmare?" I glared

"Of course not my lady I was just saying about your reduced age" he innocently smiled.

"That means These clothes are useless" I said looking at my oversized nightgown.

"Lady celestia your tea is rosemary tea I thought its aroma would compliment your loveliness" Dream said coming to the room.

"Dream it's been a while since I saw you last" I smirked.

"Well, you look exactly the same the last time I saw you" she teased


"Anyway were leaving for phantomhive manor at noon, Dream please prepare Mina fresh change of clothing, I'll have a carriage prepared till then I shall take my leave, excuse me" nightmare said exiting the room

"Since when my demon subordinate become such a proper gentlemen?" I teased

"Since 24 hours ago he went to the library and read over 100 books of how to become a proper gentlemen and butler" Dream said.

"Oh well, still I have to do something about these clothes"I said looking at my attire.

"Leave that to me my lady"Dream smiled.

5minutes later...

"My lady I have returned"dream smiled

"What already?!"

"Yes I got you all the dresses" she said

"Really?let me see them" I challenged

She showed me various party dresses, casual dresses and formal dresses

"How could you make all these in 5 bloody minutes" I gaped

"If I couldn't make many dresses for my troubled young mistress in 5 minutes, what kind of vampires maid I would be?" She said

'Just like sebastian' I thought

"Get dressed my young mistress were leaving for phantomhive manor in an hour, nightmare has also prepared your breakfast" she smiled

"Nightmare cooking?!" I exclaimed.

"The world is ending!!... well a demon acting as a butler is already outrageous, Nothing surprises me anymore" I sighed

His Butler: Vampire Queen Where stories live. Discover now