Chapter One

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The school trip so far has gone terrible boring. We have been in London for three days and still havn't done anything fun. Right now we are sitting at this very boring restaurant with our noisy class waiting for our meals to come. I thought coming to London would be fun, like maybe shopping our going to Big Ben. We had to pay for the trips, so maybe they could organize something fun and interesting. 

"So I want everyone to be on their best manners" Miss Young explains. 

I really don't want to listen to her speech about behaving well and talking nicely. She says that every time we go to a restaurant. I already know how to behave well. So far I am the only one sitting quietly, everyone else is talking loudly about how much they want to go to Oxford Street. 

"Maria, why are you so quiet" One of my classmates, Sasha asks. 

"I'me just tired" I lie and give a quick smile. 

Everyone else continues their talking about whatever they talk about. The bad thing is that we can't use our phones when we come to a restaurant. I already have my phone in my purse, but I can't take it our or the teachers will blow up. 

"Oh my god, I so want to go to Holister, I really want to get a pair of hoodie" One of the girls in my class starts talking. She talks so much that I swear that's what causes her mouth to be so wide.

"Yeah, me too, I want to get a pair of neon pink bikini" another girl starts talking about. 

I am having a very bad headache. They talk so much about bikini's, boys, movies and everything except sports. Not even the boys in our class talks about sports. They are too busy watching Sasha talk. Everyone is in love with Sasha. She is tall skinny and totally blonde. Every boys love barbie's. 

"So did you guys watch the match" I say, starting a conversation about last nights match between Manchester United and Liverpool. 

"What?, nah I was watching something else, I think it was Jersey Shore" The blonde talks. 

I nod and take a sip from the water, which was basically the only thing I had on the table to drink. I wish I told my parents that I didn't want to take this trip. My best friend didn't take the trip either since she was already on holiday. 

"Sasha, your hair is really shiny" One of the boys says as they stroke Sasha's hair. Wow, they fail at flirting. Stroking some girls blonde hair doesn't make you attractive, it makes you look like a creep. 

I play with the bracelet I got from my best friend and trace the letters. I am so bored and definitely hungry. What is taking them so long. Okay Maria, be patient. 

The food finally arrives and I take a bite from my burger once I got it. To be honest I think McDonald's is better, but I better not complain. I take a sip from my water and listen to what the girls were talking about. 

"So I really want to ask this guy out, but I am waiting for him to ask me out first" One of the girls fail to whispers, so I heard it all. Opps. 

I roll my eyes and finish eating my burger. Luckily they don't notice me rolling my eyes. They never notice me and I couldn't care less. I was the first one to finish my meal since I wasn't so busy talking. I really can't stand it. I have a really bad headache. All the girls are talking awfully to load and the restaurant is really crowed so I decide to excuse my self to the bathroom. Somewhere I hopefully won't hear talking. 

I stood up from my seat and walk down the long bathroom corridors. But I stop once a tall and muscular body shadows over me. I was completely frozen. Not just because I was scared, but also because I was pissed off. What was he trying to do? flirt with me? His evil yet sexy smirk was driving me insane. His emerald green eyes were scaring the hell out of me, but they were also hot. 

What the hell am I thinking? 

"Umm, excuse me?" I say awkwardly, trying to get past him. 

"Babe, if you are getting bored I can take you home" His deep raspy voice spoke with a strong accent. 

Who the fuck does he think he is? 

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