Chapter Four

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"please don't cry. it annoys me?"

"Wow, Harry you're so kind" I say in sarcasm and my tears are now gone, but Harry is so stupid he thinks that I am still crying. 

No matter how attractive he is, I still hate him. He has but me in big trouble. 

"Listen, I will try to get you out of here, but trust me I am not going to hurt you" He says. I can tell that he means his words, but I still feel scared.

"Harry, I don't even know you, can you please get me out of here" I sob and felt Harry's arm around my shoulder. I don't move it away, I don't know why. 

"Shhh, It will be fine, we just need to make a plan, alright love?" 

I nod and sob even more. Why am I crying so much. I wish I could stop,but I think I am too upset. I checked what time it is and it's hardly  even noon. What am I going to do in this hell of a place? 

"Should we go out for lunch?" I was taken aback when he asked that. He just told me that we were trapped in this place. 

"What?" I said in confusion. 

"Oh yeah right, I didn't tell you that-"


"Can you just let me explain," Harry harshly said. 

"So I forgot to tell you that we can go out to the diner near us, but you have to stay with me and we can't be there for more than five minutes,so I think well just take it with us here" He rampled. 

This is so messed up. It's like I have been put in prison for something I haven't done. 

"This is fucked up" I say rolling my eyes. Why did this have to happen to me?

"I know it is fucked up, just don't argue" Harry harshly said and I couldn't care less. 

"Whatever, can I just stay here, there is no point of me going to down there, It will just give me an idea to escape" Once I said that I regretted it. 

"There is no point of escaping, we aren't even in London, we are one hour away from London" 

"What!" I shout. 

"What to you mean we aren't on London"

"See I told you there is no point of escaping, you will fail" He says with his annoying yet attractive smirk. 

"Whatever jerk, I'll stay here, but you promise me those creep old mans won't come" Once I said that Harry's deep chuckle filled up the room. He thinks I am joking? what dork. 

"Harry this isn't the right time to be laughing, I need to get out of here and you are laughing your ass off" I snap. 

"first of all, don't call me a jerk because I am the only one here that can help you out, and second of all those creep old mans aren't going to come here til tomorrow night, so I will be taking care of you love" He said with a  wink and off he goes. 

Seriously, what could possibly go worse. I am here stuck with Harry and he is supposed to babysit me. I am so pissed off and most of scared. He can just rape and do terrible things to me. Tears start running down my eyes and before I knew I am punching the shit out of this squeaky bed. I threw the ugly old night lamp over to the other side of the room. There is no windows here and all the doors are locked with two freaking locks. I am trapped and I will probably die here. 


I heard a the doors open and straight away I knew it was Harry. I could tell it by the sound of his boots. 

"What the hell have you done" Harry says in surprised once he steps in the room. 

"Maria, love are you okay" Harry says leaving the bag of food on the small desk and walking towards me.

"Get away, I am going to die here and that's you fault" I sob. 

"No you are not going to die!" He yells and pulls me into his arm. I don't back away from his strong grip. I sob in his chest and feel his plump lips kiss the top of my head. What has gotten into him now. Does he love me know. 

Yeah, like he would so do that. 

"Maria, I am going to take care of you" His raspy voice spoke. 

Minutes later I feel his plump lips connecting to mine. His soft delicate kiss is to die for. I never thought it would be so great. It's as if everything is washed away and I am somewhere better with Harry. He is setting relaxation to me and sooner or late I will be falling for him. I try to snap myself back to reality but I can't. This passionate kiss is taking over me. 

"Don't worry love, I am taking care of you" His raspy voice spoke. I smile weakly and rest my head on his strong chest. 


"promise." His deep accent spoke. 

We had out awkward lunch. I told him a bit about myself. And let me tell you, I actually feel safe around him but I want to be out of here as soon as possible. He told me that the leader of their whole gang trusted him. So it was easy for him to sneak me out, but we need to wait for a good opportunity. I don't know why he actually want to help me, but I am thankful that he has decided to do that. 

But what will happen to him? will they kill him after he saves me? 

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