Chapter Three

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"I have a solution" Harry repeated.  

What could his solution possibly be. I am panicking. I am here with this stranger in his apartment and he is acting so casually. I know I will be in big trouble from my parents and the school council, but I think if I get their by time I would be in less trouble. Maybe. What was the time anyways? I looked up the clock that was hanging above the bed. It was 1:00 A.M. I really need to get out of this place now.

"Hurry up with your solution, it's one in the morning" I snap at him and roll my eyes. 

"I'll drive you back to the hotel your class is staying at, just give me the address" He says as he takes a piece of post-it note from the small desk. 

"penywern Rd, London, Earls Court" I say the address as he writes it down on the piece of note. 

"What's so funny" I ask when I heard Harry burst into laughter. 

"My sister works their, she caught two people making out crazily in the hallway" he chuckles. 

Sounds like those two people were Sasha and her "boyfriend" Dan. 

"So? are when are we going to leave, I still can't believe I am here" I say half shocked. 

"Yeah, let's go" He said standing up from the bed and heading out the room.

Just as we were about to walk out the bedroom, a loud crash was heard from the room. I jump from the load sound and look back at Harry worriedly. 

"Go in the bathroom now!" Harry demands. His emerald eyes were more likely to be a dark brown now. I decide against staying there, so I ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. 

I really have no idea what to do. I was no trapped in the bathroom. I could hear load shouts and yells from the living room. 

"You have until Monday" was all I heard and it was from a quiet older man. I don't know what he meant by that. I heard the front door open and shut. The person has left now and I heard nothing but Harry's heavy breathing. 

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked out the room. 

"Harry?" I ask sheepishly. 

He looked scared and somehow guilty, but more scared. I really don't want to start a conversation, I need to go back to out hotel before they report to the police that I was missing since last night. Well I kind passed out and someone took me home. Wow, that sounds creepy. 

"Harry, what happened?" I just had to ask. 

"Nothing" He said not even bothering looking at me, but I couldn't care less. 

"Anyways, Can you take me back now" I say getting a bit annoyed. Even thoughts it's one in the morning, I still need to be there as early as possible, but what should I say once they find me. I can't tell them that I was in a strangers home. 

"No, we can't go, I mean we can't go out of this apartment." He says looking in my eyes with his emerald eyes that are more likely to be brown now. 

"What do you mean?" What does he mean by we can't go out of this apartment. I need to go out and find my class. I will be in big trouble, not that I am not right now. 

"It's dangerous out there!" He screams and I jump from his load screams. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you like that" He says with a way calmer tone, unlike a few moments ago. 

I nod stupidly and look away. I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. 

"So what do you mean by it's dangerous out there, I need to go back to my class" I say shyly. 

"They want you" He says seriously, his emerald eyes were focused on my frightened expression. 

"H-Harry, what do you m-mean" I stutter. 

"They knew I was hiding you in the bathroom and they want to see you tomorrow night" He says worry in his own voice. 

I began to panic. It is all his fault. This British asshole took me to his apartment and now is putting me in deep trouble. Why is he so cruel and selfish? 

"It's all you fault! you asshole!" I yell as a few tears run down my cheeks. 

"Baby don't cry, I won't let them touch you" He says and it looks as if he is going to start crying to, but I couldn't care less. 

"You took me here, and now telling me that some people want me!" I cry. 

"I promise th-" I cut him off before he says more rubbish. 

"What do you want from me!" I shout. 

"Your virginity" He whispered as if someone was listening to us. 

I was taken aback. He can't take that away from me. I can't be weak and let him do whatever shit he wants. I need to be strong and I need to get away from this hell. 

"And how do you know I am a virgin" I say deciding to play smart. 

"It's obvious" He said smiling cockily. 

I don't know what to say. Well he was right, I still was a virgin. I just stood their looking afriad, not smart or strong anymore. 

"Maria, don't worry, I am not going to do that to you, unless you want me to" 

I give him a disgust before I took a deep breath and said "Take me out of this place or else I'll get away myself"

"You can't, we can't, I am locked here, we both are and I won't be out until I steal your vi-" I stop him, I really don't want to hear about it.

"I got it okay, we're locked in this hell with no window and we are going to die" I say as I sat down on the cranky bed and began sobbing like a baby.

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