25 || ☆ DreaMist The Series: Signal to be a Star, Today we Touchdown

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Dedicated to: Vasyaprissy05
I really appreciate the votes!

I know some parts will confused you here, PM the parts you want some explanation, yeah?

Any mention of names, ideas, or things here are only a coincidence.

And the songs here are gonna be translated into english, since the songs are from Korean state.

ONCEs and ARMYs, get ready to rock!

Go get ready TWICE's "Signal", "I'm Gonna Be A Star", "Touchdown", and BTS' "Not Today".

[FN/N] (Fred's nickname for you) will be changed as [S/N] (Stage name)


"Boys, I'm gonna head out now! I had to pick up something at Ryan's." I heard Aunt Cass yelled from down the cafe.

I ran down at where she is. "Aunt Cass, could you check on [Y/N]? She hasn't replied on any of my text since this morning. I tried calling her, but she won't answer. Please, Aunt Cass! I've been worried sick about her! What if something happened to her?! What if--"

"HIRO!" She snapped. "[Y/N]'s fine. Son't worry about her to much."

"How do you know?" I muttered.

"Do you think [Y/N] let herself put into danger. that may cause, you, worrying about her too much?" She asks. I stood silently, she placed a hand on my shoulder. "She don't want you to be worried much. So, calm yourself, sweetie." She ruffled my already messy hair. "I better get going. See you later." She gave me a hug and head out.

[Y/N], what's gotten into you? Hope you're okay.


"Hey, guys!" Honey greeted.

"Hey! How's your camping?" Wasabi asked.

The girls started laughing. "Oh, its crazily fun!"

"H-Honey, where's [Y/N]?" I asked, panic and worry rising. It didn't seems that she's with them.

"She's with Abigail." Mina replied.

Tadashi wrapped his arms around Mina. "Hiro's been worrying about your little sister since this morning."

"Aww, how's sweet." She cooed that made my face heat up.

"Let's just go inside." I muttered and dragged my sister with me as they laughed at my tomato face.

They used the SFIT Showcase Hall for the show. It looks so different from the Robotics and Talent Showcase. This one looked like it turned into an arena with a concert.

We took our seats, the second row at the front. The show's about to start, but my bestriend, both Uncle Ry and Aunt Cass, is still missing in action.

Then Abigail Callaghan appeared on the stage.

Wait, hold on. I thought [Y/N]'s with her?!

"Hiro, [Y/N] is with Uncle Ry and Aunt Cass. Just wait for her a little bit, 'kay?" Mina said as if she just read my mind.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! For the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology Hunts: Girl Group Band, I am Abigail Callaghan, your host for the hunt. I hope this show entertains you!" The crowd goes loud, just like a concert is being held. "In this hunt, we have seven groups. And these seven groups trained hard for two whole months to prepare for this whole event. Now, will test who'll goes at top."

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