13 || Blindsided Pt. 1

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Based in one of the episodes of Dreamworks: Race to the Edge.

Now on the le one-shot!

Your day seems pretty. Hanging out at the Hamada household with your bestfriend, Hiro, with your house... companions (its because they don't like being called as 'pets'), Mochi: the Hamada cat, and Pichi: the [L/N] bird, as you wait Aunt Cass' hot spicy chicken wings, and Uncle Ry's [meal] for dinner.

Once again, your day seems pretty. Well...


"Expect a thunderstorm coming, a really strong one. Thunders and lightnings, strong winds, heavy rain falls. Welp, got to be careful, people of San Fransokyo." The weather newscaster reports.

You switched channels, switch, and switch, and switch. Until nothing interests you anymore.

You turned the TV off and slumped lazily at the red cushion couch at the Hamada's living room, with your bestfriend next to you.

"Hiro, I'm bored." You whined. Then suddenly, a certain chubby with bird landed in your lap, and a ball of mixed brownish-orange, black, and white fur in your side. "Hey, Pichi, Mochi." You greeted as you scratched the bird's feathery chin, and the cat's furry ear. Both purred in delight.

Unbeknowst you, the messy-haired prodigy stares at yoi dreamily. How I wish I was Mochi or Pichi. Hiro thought.

A breeze of cold air made contact with your skin, making you shiver. Then follows a loud thunder and lightning, making you jump.

Suddenly, the lights blacked out. You took a grip on something... or someone, perhaps.

"You kids, okay?" Uncle Ry asks, shuffling to find something that can lit the current dark place.

"Yeah." You and Hiro replied in unison. This made Hiro realized something.

You were clinging on him. His face turns into shades of red.

You gripped tighter on him and buried your face in his neck when an another thunder came.

Also making the white puffy bird startled.

You noticed the weight at your lap is gone. Slowly you pulled away frim Hiro. "Pichi?"

Hiro too, takes a notice that Pichi is no longer around them. He roamed his brown eyes around the dark area, then his gaze darted at the open window, where all the cold breeze is coming from, and a shiloutte at the the window frame.

"[Y/N]..." He slowly called, not leaving his gaze at Pichi at the open window. "Don't let her fly out of the window."

Your [E/C] eyes immediately darted at the window, where you saw Pichi.

Your eyes widened. "Pichi!" You quickly ran off to catch her, prevent to let her fly away.

You were about to took a grip on Pichi, when a lightning strikes, just in front of you.

Because of shock, you fainted. Also letting Pichi fly out in the dark cold night.

After a long time, Cass found the flashlight, when they heard a thump.

She quickly directs the light at their direction, where they found you at the floor, unconcious.

Hiro's eyes grew wide with panic and rans up to you. He took your form in his arms. "[Y-Y/N]?"

When he didn't get a response, ge scooped you from the cold floor and gently laid you at the couch.

Ryan quickly ran near you. "What happened?!" He asks, panic rising.

"I don't know!" Hiro replied with worry and panic too. Cass walks at the open window and closes it from the cold storm wind, when Hiro thought of your house bird. "Where's Pichi?"

The chubby bird is nowhere to be seen. Oh no.

The lights turned back on. They still wonder where Pichi goes, worrying them double time.

Mochi on the other hand, keeps pawing your leg, as if he was saying that you should wake up.

When you felt it, you stir, slowly, fluttering your eyes open, only seeing darkness.

You sat up and groaned. "What happened?"

Their attention turned to you, as they saw you, they all sighed in relief. "We actually don't know. We just saw you unconcious at the ground." Ryan answered.

You tried remembering the last happenings before you blacked out. "Uhh... maybe because of shock, I g-guess." You shrugged. "The lightning strikes just in front of my eyes." You rubbed your eyes, then your eyes widened. "W-Where's Pichi?"

Hiro just looked you, unsure. "[Y/N]..."

You stood up, waving your hands in front of you to prevent bumping into something, since all you can see is darkness.

"Ugh, why is it still dark in here? Did anyone fetch the flashlight yet?" You asked, still unsure of where are you heading.

Hiro took a grip in both sides of your arms, and they gave you a questioning look. "Sweetie, the lights are back on." Aunt Cass said.

You raised a brow. "What are you talking about? I-Its pitch black."

Hiro furrow his brows in confusion. "N-No, its not."

Your breath hitched. "H-Hiro?"

He looked at you, worried. He, then turned at their guardians. "Uncle Ry, Aunt Cass, could you finish up the dinner? I-I just wanna talk about something with [Y/N] here in private."

"Sure." Both of them walked at the Hamada's kitchenette and finish what they're doing.

After a while of silence, you spoke. "W-What's happening?"

"I don't really know, but we're gonna find out soon. You need to rest first."

"B-But, how about P-Pichi?! She's out there at the storm!"

He sighed. "We are gonna find her. But, you really should take some rest."

"NO! Pichi's part of Mina! I can't lose her! Mochi's here with you, so you don't worry! We. Are. Talking. About. Pichi. Here!" You just realized that you raised your voice at your bestfriend, you suddenly feel guilty. "S-Sorry for yelling at you."

"Nah, its okay." He shrugged. "But seriously though, you need to rest."

"I-I guess, I'm a bit tired in all of this, so maybe a little shut eye could be used." You looked at the direction where you could sense Hiro is, right next to you. "Hiro, can you stay here, at least I got into sleep?"

"I'm going to be here with you." He set your head gently at his lap as you laid down on your back at the couch.

Mochi then curled up, near your legs and sleep away too.

Hiro softly stroke your [H/C] locks. What could have happened to you, and all you can see is darkness?

But don't worry, I'll be your light. To guide you all the way.



Hey! Another oneshot again for this day!

I wrote this one at my notebook. So, that took easy enough.

I really need to study right away if I need to pass my Science and Economics exam.

Part two... soon! Just wait! XD

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