Let Me Show You How I Feel (Derek x reader)

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A vibration in your pocket caused you to stop walking and pull out your phone. Opening the message, you rolled your eyes as you read it. It happened to be from your brother Scott.

Don’t forget there is a pack meeting after school.

No shit Sherlock. I’m almost there.  You replied back. You might be older than Scott but since he had become a werewolf, he thought he was top dog and tried to boss you around.  Derek had stated that he wanted weekly pack meetings to train and discuss anything strange going on. He hoped that maybe that would help with all the craziness in Beacon Hills.

You walked the last few blocks to Derek’s loft. You tried not to let the thought of seeing Derek get to you. Every time you were around him, your body flushed and your heart rate picked up. It wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t a werewolf and noticed, causing a smirk to appear on his face. He knew what he did to you. It wasn’t just some physical reaction to his appearance either. He was hot, god was he hot but it was more than that. You had practically fallen in love with him, when he had saved your brother’s life from Allison’s mom. There was also more to Derek than meets the eye. He was hot, brooding and dangerous looking but deep down, he really did have a heart of gold. He looked out for his pack, and for Beacon Hills.

It was just that you weren’t the type of girl he would go for, you weren’t beautiful or smart like Kate. Nope you were just a seventeen girl who spent way too much time hanging with Scott and his friends, especially Stiles. You and him would spend hours playing video games.

Nobody but Stiles knew about your feelings for Derek. Stiles had been sworn to secrecy though. You didn’t want anyone to know because they would make fun of you especially Scott. He thought it was his job to look out for you. You had to constantly remind him that you were older and that you could look after yourself.  You were sure though that he had picked up on the fact that you liked Derek.  

Taking a deep breath, you slid open the door to Derek’s loft. Your gaze instantly finding his, a smirk appearing on his face. You quickly averted your gaze, a deep crimson blossoming on your cheeks.

You made your way to stand between Scott and Isaac.  Isaac stood up from leaning on the table; he threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side, squeezing you tightly. “Hey y/n.

You tilted your head up to look at Isaac, a smile dancing on your lips. Isaac was probably your best friend after Stiles. “Hi Isaac.  How’s it going?”

 He winked at you. “Better now that you’re here.”

 “Enough with the flirting. We are here for important reasons like saving people.” Derek growled at Isaac. Isaac looked down at you and rolled his eyes, causing you to giggle.  You stopped when you looked up at Derek, who was glaring daggers at Isaac. You slipped out from under Isaac’s arm. Sometimes you wondered what Derek’s problem was. He always got upset when any of the boys flirted with you, but he never made a move. You hoped that he felt the same way but after all this time, you just felt that he was doing it because he could.

Isaac ignored Derek and the fact you had nudged him off, wrapping his arm back around you and rubbing your back. Derek started into his rant about how this weekend was going to be a training session for everyone. You leaned your head on Isaac’s shoulder as you took the time to study Derek. You loved when he got into something, because his whole face and body portrayed excitement and happiness. It was one of the few times he wasn’t all dark and brooding. You must have dozed off because the next thing you knew was: Scott was nudging you with his elbow, Isaac was still rubbing your back with a smirk on his face and Derek was glaring at him.

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