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Tired. Hungry. Thirsty. And the candle on top of the birthday cake? I'm out here, in a cave, millions of years before I'm supposed to be born. Great! I look around and glance at Tracy, her orange hair as bright the fire crackling near me. Michael, however, is just a sleeping, snoring blob near the cave's mouth. They both slept as soundly as they would if they were home. How? How could they just lie down, sleep and snore? Why? Why'd they even want to? My mind is swimming with questions and I can't help wonder why theirs weren't. I frowned at the damp, moist ground.

Mom and dad? Didn't they care? Didn't Alisha? Didn't anyone? No, why would they bother to? I'm Sean Abrams, the 'biggest disgrace on the face of the Earth'. I'm just the kind of person you'd looooveeeee to hate. I felt sleepy and I wanted to sleep, but rest seemed impossible. Again, I steal a glance at Tracy and notice that she wasn't curled up in the same position as earlier. She seemed...

"Hey" she mutters sleepily, sitting up and leaning on tha cave's wall, "can't sleep yet?". She combs her tangled mess of orange hair with her fingers and the fire seems to dance on it.

I shake my head and stoke the fire with a twig I find. For minutes, ones that seemed like hours, Tracy and I jut sit there in complete silence. The fire casts shadows on the cave walls and it was dead silent. Sheesh...

"I miss home," Tracy says so suddenly, I nearly fell into the fire. I wasn't the kind of thing you'd expect her to say, but I look at her and see she's grave. "Don't you?", she asks, though she's smart enough to know the answer.

" We all do," I assured her, as I went back to lying down, staring at the roof of the cave. With that, sleep finally got the better of me.

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