Chapter 19: The Bitch/Best Friend

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*the next day*

Justin's POV

I still haven't spoke to Ariana. I've been staying at Ryan's house. We haven't really talked about to conversation we had in the car. But he promised not to tell anyone about Ariana. I actually miss her. But she cheated on me. I was good to her. I would never image that she of all people would do this to me.

I picked up a pillow and threw it across the room.

All yesterday twitter was going crazy. I needed to get my kind off of things so I turned on the tv. Of course the first thing on was Access Hoolywood. It said

"Pop sensation Justin Bieber leaving Ariana's house, while she's screaming and cursing at him. What's going on between the two"

Before it said anything else I turned off the tv. I just wish, for one day, I could have a normal life. I wouldn't have to walk around with security guards. I wouldn't have people shoving cameras in my face. And people wouldn't always bothering me.

It was 8 pm on a Saturday and I had nothing to do. No plans at all. I had no idea where Ryan was, so I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts landing on Khalil's contact. I pressed on his name and the phone started ringing. It wasn't long before he answered.

Khalil: hey

Me: aye Bro, it's Justin

Khalil: yo. What's up bro?

Me: you busy?

Khalil: nah. I'm not busy. Why you wanna chill?

Me: yeah bro. Hooters?

Khalil: yeah . Be there in 40.

Bethany's POV

Teala and I spent the night at Ariana house. We wanted to keep her company, besides it's not good to be depressed and stressed, while your pregnant. Teala went downstairs so it was the perfect time to convince Ariana not to go back to Justin.

"So Ariana, have you spoken to Justin" I asked.

"No we haven't talked at all. I haven't even gone on twitter. There are probably so many lies and rumors out there", she said back.

"Well to be honest I think you should move on. I mean if he really loved you, he wouldn't have ever left you right? I doubt he likes you anymore ", I said.

"Well damn, you could keep your opinion to yourself ", Ariana replied back with an attitude.

"Sorry Ari. As your best friend, I thought I should tell you. Besides don't you think Justin and Zendaya would be a cuter couple?" I grinned.

"We'll think about what I said, then talk to me. Love ya" I said while blowing her a kiss, and heading downstairs.

Ariana's POV

I can't believe Beth just said that to me. Why would she something like that while she's knows I'm pregnant. So I'm even more hormonal. I had so many different emotions now. But I had to let it go because her, Frankie, and Teala are all I have left. Justin's gone, and Zendaya and I don't talk. To get my mind off of things I went on twitter. I tweeted:

Hi my loves. I'm so sorry I haven't spoken to you guys. There has been so much going on.I'm just hoping to fell better.

Of course like always my twitter started blowing up. #PrayForAriana was soon trending, and I wanted to follow some people. The first tweet I noticed was :

@ArianaGrande: I'm a die heart Arianator. Hope you feel better. Love you

I quickly quoted the tweet and added on

Love you more love. Then I followed the her back and many more.

I stayed on until Teala entered my room excited.

Teala's POV

"OMG Ari to get your mind of things let's have a movie night" I said to Ariana while plopping next to her on her bed.

"Sure" she answered half as excited as me.

"How about Frozen" I asked. "Well great I'll go get the snacks" i said while not giving her time to answer my question. I got up, left the room,and went into my car.

The truth was I wasn't going to get snacks, I was going..........


Wheres Teala going????

• You guys know I love Jariana( Justin & Ari). There doing a collab. When I found out I screamed and cried. I can't wait.

•Also thanks for 2.4k loves 💜. Why do I always use a Purple Heart emoji? I dunno I'm weird.


1. Are you excited for the Justin and Ari collab? I am 🙋

2. How do feel about Jai and Ariana being together again in real life?

I love my readers ~xoxo Nya

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