Jan. 15, 2014

16 0 0


Okay, double french yeah? WE HAD A TASTE OF FRANCE BY MISS MADDY OF COURSE. She brought croissants and pain au chocolat, omg yes it was lovely i was stuffed! What a great way to start Wednesday! 

House time. Phoenix had a house photo again because apparently the photo we took last year failed sooo yeah. 

English exam was moved to half past 11. And anyways, another 2 hours of writing. My hand was numb. Wrote 10 pages double sided. Tiring but hope it will all be worth it. Be positive. :)

Art club yaaay! 

Science. ISA paper 1 tomorrow. OH MY GOD! Mr Adams pls :(

i just want this week to end huhuhu

ICT. Just chilled and searched for random things like autocorrect, origami, big bang theory memes, funny memes, dugongs, squirrel, turtles, polar bears, pandas, sea lion, finding nemo, etc

Badminton club with mah guuuurls! 

IT WAS FUUUUUN! HAHAHAHAHA! never thought we'd be quite few

Mheha + me + year 9 cute kid = CHAMPION 6 TIMES.


And this happened after.

I was waiting for my stepdad to pick me up. Then we went to an estate somewhere cause he had to go to a customer. I was left on the car. I decided to bring out my phone but then it wasn't on my pocket. I was panicking. My heart was beating fast. All I can think was: crap. crap. crap. crap. crap. 

Then I thought that it might have fell on my pocket when i went to the car. it might have fell on the wet floor. I was about to ring the doorbell on the house but i was too shy and i didnt wanna disrupt the work so i sat outside the house in the cold for like an hour? Yeah and my mind was blank. I was actually worried that someone might have took my phone. All the negative thoughts was consuming me. I was thinking that I'm gonna be phoneless, i'm gonna be told off, i'm gonna be screwed. 

Then we went back to school and there it was. the pink case. it was facedown. I got it and NO SCRATCHES. JUST WET. IT STILL WORKS. IM DAMN LUCKY ARENT I?

THANK GOODNESS. Heavy sigh of relief

that's wednesday for me. :)

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