July 7 2014

9 0 0

GUYS, LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. LAST. WEEK. OF. SCHOOL. This is it!!! We can survive this! Bye bye year 10 and hello year 11 after 6 weeks!

Last double PE for this term. We had a choice. Football or foxes and hounds. WHERE THE HECK IS THE THIRD OPTION?? THESE ARE ALL BAD OPTIONS!! Well, of course you know what we picked. 

We were in the field. Mheha and I were a pair and we're in the green team. The black bibs were the first foxes and as soon as miss blew the whistle, we ran for our lives as if we're in the arena in the 75th hunger games! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We hid under the bushes and all that and then we went to the far end near the dyke. But then, Mheha and I agreed that we should stick to the original plan: hide on the sideways of the hill and it worked because we got in the box and didn't got tagged. I'm so proud. The last ones to be foxes were blue team with Maddie and Helen. We went again under the bushes and I went on my own way and hid under a bush but damn that twig that clicked! Because of that, Rosie heard it and tagged me. That's the most PE we've ever done! GOD! WE WERE THIRSTY AND TIRED AND DEAD (inside)

House time. Miss Mann wasn't in form cause of the induction day of the year 6 kids from different schools. We had Mr Blackshaw again, the one who subbed Mr Urbinati for one day. He's the business teacher but he subbed French. REALLY? So anyways, we had to answer this questionnaire on how well do you know your house group. Oh screw that I don't intend to know them because I don't like my new house group I want my old house group back :(

Double history. Meg's baaaackkkk!! Yaaaayyy! Some people weren't there cause of BTEC PE exam. Today, we learned about the moroccan and bosnian crisis. Still a busy lesson. Never going to have a chill lesson even if it's last week. :/

Art club. Last art club for the term. When I arrived in the LRC, Helen and Lauren made me write something for mheha's card while she went to repographics. We were like ninjas who hid the card when she arrived hahahaha! Then, I had to make something up. 

Me: Can you come with me to get papers for our board game in science?

Mheha: yep

*already near repographics*

Me: *had to distract her* I need to go to the toilet first

*about to leave the toilet* Me: I don't think she'll lend us any papers. I'll just ask mr langley if he has papers later.

Mheha: you made me walk for no reason!!

Me: I went to the toilet! And besides, I'm scared of her.

*outside LRC*

Me: *trying so hard to say to them to be fast in hiding the card*


We played pictionary for art club today. Fuuuun! 

After lunch, Mheha was sitting on the chair while we were all surrounding her and then we gave her the card. She was surprised and wasn't expecting it hahahaah! I took her ipod and took pics and vids for memories so she'd look back one day and say: awwwwww

Maths. We were only 12 in class because the rest were doing their BTEC exam. Did enlargement drawing again. I got bender the robot. 

Science. Owen wasn't there, don't know why the hell he didn't show up when Mr Langley said he's not a BTEC student. Josh and I were listening to music and gluing the box on to the board game. We need the green box, Owen! And we don't have a dice. Plus, you haven't finished your questions. Disappointed in you, Owen hahahaha! 

Josh and I were taking hidden selfies in science and god we look like drug addicts because he suggested to roll a cigarette using paper and then pose like Augustus saying it's a metaphor. LOOOOOOL.

Last 4 chapters of Online Journal.

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