July 3 2014

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I got maths first lesson today. Thank goodness the test wasn't today. Thank you Miss Malicka for giving us more time to revise. Anyways, Laura wasn't here again so I didn't have anyone else to talk to except for Charlotte and Alex. I revised with the help of the textbook today and then I sneakily got my English draft and reread it again.

English. We waited about 10 mins outside the classroom because she had to rearrange the chairs. I found my paper near the window. We had 30 mins left of the 2 hour block and literally, I was forcing myself to write fast and finish my narrative. I didn't care how ugly my handwriting turned out. It was so different. HAHAHAHA! The first page was like neat and all and then as you read the other pages, it's as if it was written by another person. Different personalities hahahaha! I had 1 min left before I can finish and add things to it but meh, at least it's done. 

House time. Miss Mann wasn't in so we had Mr Tomlinson. UGH my house group is so awkward and boring. I'd rather be in Mr Adams! I just played games on my phone to kill time.

Double business studies. Not a chill lesson anymore. It got serious since last week. We exerted a lot of effort today doing our research and printing them and compiling them in our research folders and then for period 4, we were under exam conditions as we did our write up which shouldn't be called a write up because we're not actually writing it, we're typing it. HAHA! Why does Mr Rhead have to cram all the work in the last 3 weeks of school? -__- He said he might have to get us do our research in ICT tomorrow so that means I'm not doing out and up haha. And he also said he might get us out of period 6 on Tuesday which is science so I get to work while Helen and Lauren and all of them do nothing but FUN and INTERESTING and COOL practicals. Unfair. :(

Cog. Ehhh, talked to Helen about Maximum Ride.

After lunch. We were upstairs and I was half reading and half talking to them. We were talking about what would our parents would've named us if we were a boy. Helen was Aaron. Maddie was Harry or Owen. I assumed mine was most likely to be Anthony or anything that starts with A and is close to my dad's name, Anthony (which I learned from Helen is also the name of Lauren's dad OMG WHOA) or a name that starts with R and is close to my mum, aunt and grandfather's first three letters of their names which is Ren so maybe I'd be called Renz or Renzo (IDK) if I was a boy. HAHAHA! We also talked about the latest episode of Teen Wolf! HASHTAG LET'S GET ANGRY (WITH ALL THE EMOTIONS LIKE PETER) HAHAHAHAHA! Gotta love him. Hashtag berserkers!

Science. First thing I did when I walked in the room was shout "LET'S GET ANGRY" to the skeleton hahahahahahahahahaha why did i do that :( 

Summary of science: WHITE STUFF ALL OVER!!!!

HEP HEP HEP.. not that kind of white stuff that you're thinking about though, you dirty minded person! 

We did a practical about non-newtonian fluid which is just putting corn flour in a beaker and adding water to it and then mixing it until it becomes like hardened when you pour it in your hands. Ours worked! It was so sticky and it went hard on our hands. Mr Adams said make a ball out of it. (Alright, I know all of that sounded wrong but let's be mature with this k?)

They even spilled corn flour on the table that Helen and I sit so my bag was covered in white but Helen's blazer, folder and bag suffered the most. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Owen, Charlie and Rosie were the messiest though! They got flour all over their faces, their uniform and hair. Owen got handprints on his "boob" as he said to us! hahahahaha! Ohmygod hahahahaha! Rosie got a handprint on the back of her skirt. 

While we were all pouring the fluid on our hands, Josh almost threw it at Owen but it didn't reach him and he shouted so loud that made sir angry, "EYYY YOU ****ing (insert insult here)" OH DEAR! I also got told off for shouting when Helen and Lauren touched my hand with the fluid when I just FREAKING WASHED MY HAND 2 SECONDS AGO! In revenge, I washed again but I splashed them two hahahaha! >:) They were wet.

Basically, another summary is: science was messy and white-y.

French. He just read a transcript with the translation. It was about society and then it created arguments and opinions that we got sidetracked with the lesson which is good because we don't like to learn hahahaha! And I can see that the people in my class is disliking him. I'm not very keen with him either. 

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