Part 1

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The time is 0800 hours.

The time is 0800 hours, twenty seconds.

Commander James Hogan groaned as he reached over and tapped a control on his bedside computer panel to end his morning alarm. He sat up and stretched his arms, hearing his shoulders crack at the same time. Hogan swung his legs out of bed and then stood, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He entered the bathroom that adjoined his bedroom and activated the sonic shower. He stepped inside and sighed with relief as the sonic pulses washed the grime from his body. After a few minutes, he stepped out of the shower and re-entered his bedroom. He took a clean uniform from the rack in his wardrobe and proceeded to get dressed. After dressing, he exited the bedroom into the lounge area of his quarters. He picked up the three golden pips from his desk and as he pinned them to his collar, he asked the computer to let him know how many new messages he had received through the night. The female voice of the computer confirmed that he had twenty two new messages. Hogan smiled as he put his uniform jacket on and zipped it up. No rest for the executive officer of a starship, he thought to himself. He picked up his com badge and attached the Starfleet delta to the left side of his chest. After transferring the new messages to a padd, Hogan left his quarters and headed for the nearest turbo lift. He started reading the messages as he walked the corridors, occasionally acknowledging a friendly greeting from the crewmen he encountered. He arrived at the turbo lift just as he opened a message from Doctor Ames, the chief medical officer. The message was to remind Hogan that he was overdue for his yearly physical, again. Hogan pushed the lift's call button as he smiled at the message. The lift arrived and the doors parted, allowing him access. Hogan stepped inside and called out his destination, the main bridge. The doors closed and the lift sped to its destination. In less than a minute, the doors parted again and Hogan stepped out onto the bridge of the USS Wellington. The lighting on the bridge was still dimmed, a sign that the night shift were still on duty. Hogan glanced at the shipboard chronometer. He had arrived a few minutes early for the beginning of the day shift. He was sure the night shift wouldn't mind if he took over a little early. He was surprised to see Lieutenant Commander Khan, the Wellington's chief tactical and security officer already at his post. Hogan walked over to the tactical station and stood beside the heavily built Indian man.

"Early bird gets the worm, eh Commander?" he enquired of Khan, smiling. The commander smiled back and nodded.

"I'm not a fan of sitting around waiting for my shift to start sir," he replied. Hogan chuckled and headed for the centre of the bridge. Lieutenant Rogers, the night shift commander was sat in the command chair. On spotting Hogan, he stood, relinquishing the chair to the first officer.

"Anything to report Lieutenant?" Hogan asked. Rogers shook his head.

"No sir. We're on course for Cardassia and should arrive in just over four hours," he reported. Hogan nodded.

"Very well. I relieve you Lieutenant." The young man smiled and headed for the turbo lift. "Computer, begin day shift," Hogan ordered as he sat down in the command chair. The lights on the bridge brightened to full illumination, signalling that the night shift had ended. All across the bridge, night shift crewmen were relieved from their posts by those who would work the day shift. Hogan watched as the turbo lift at the front of the bridge opened and Lieutenant Commander Tess Gleason exited.

"Morning Commander," she greeted with a smile. Hogan returned the friendly expression.

"Morning Tess. Good rest?" he inquired. She gave a relaxed nod to the commander as she took her place at the operations console. A few moments later, Captain Elizabeth Forrest, the commanding officer of the Wellington, exited her ready room and crossed the bridge to the command chair. Hogan greeted his captain and relinquished the chair to her, which she gratefully took. Hogan took his place in the seat to her right and placed his padd on the small console in front of him.

"Sleep well Captain?" Hogan asked his CO, knowing full well that Forrest hadn't slept at all last night. She turned to him and gave him a sarcastic expression.

"Not exactly James," she replied. He nodded and leant in closer to her so as not to be over heard by any of the other officers on the bridge.

"You know, Doc can probably give you something to help you sleep," he told her. She shook her head and sighed.

"Tranquillisers and stimulants don't really mix well," she replied. Hogan frowned. Forrest smiled and placed a reassuring hand on her XO's arm. "Don't worry about it James. You look after the crew, let the captain worry about the captain." Hogan nodded and sat back in his chair, knowing the conversation was over. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what plagued the captain.

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