Part 4

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Hogan stood in front of the captain's ready room. He had just been called by the captain and she didn't sound all too happy. He took a deep breath and triggered the door chime. The doors parted and he stepped inside, allowing them to close before he took another pace forward. Forrest was stood gazing out of her observation window. She turned; hands folded behind her back and motioned to one of the chairs with her head. Hogan moved forward and sat down. Forrest sat down in her own chair behind the desk.

"I've just had a rather disturbing conversation with Admiral Blackman at Starfleet Command. There's been a Borg incursion into Federation space." Hogan leant forward in his chair, resting his arm on the desk, waiting for the captain to continue. She did. "Two days ago, Starfleet lost contact with the USS Valdemir. Sixteen hours later, Starbase 185 disappeared from the grid. Long range scans of the sector have picked up residual transwarp signatures." Hogan shook his head in disbelief.

"The Borg. I'd hoped we'd seen the last of them. Does Starfleet know how many ships are here?" he asked. Forrest shook her head.

"They've been unable to locate any Borg vessels anywhere in the sector." Hogan sighed and stroked his clean shaven chin.

"That's why the Prometheus is here, to protect us?" Forrest nodded.

"This meeting between Admiral Fraser and Ambassador Lemor is a big step into forming a lasting alliance with the Cardassians. Something all of us could do with right now." Hogan scowled. Forrest picked up on the expression.

"I know what you're thinking James," she told him. Hogan glanced at her.

"The last time we engaged the Borg, we lost over three hundred people and the Wellington was in dry dock for three months," he told her.

"It won't happen this time," Forrest replied.

"What about Ambassador Lemor?" Hogan inquired.

"We're still to deliver him to Starbase 94. When we arrive there, they'll be a task force waiting," she replied. Hogan nodded and stood from his chair.

"I'll schedule battle drills and have all department heads submit readiness reports." Forrest shook her head.

"Not this time James." Hogan's expression turned to one of confusion.

"Captain?" he questioned. Forrest stood from her chair and came round the desk to face Hogan.

"Starfleet is still recovering from the Dominion War and we're short on qualified and experienced captains as it is. Now we need strong, capable officers to command starships to once again fight the Borg. For the last five years, I've seen you grow into an experienced officer with exceptional command skill. Today you're being repaid for all that hard work. The captain of the USS Kodiak retired last month and the ship's been without a permanent commanding officer. Starfleet Command has authorised your promotion to Captain and you're being given command of the Kodiak. Congratulations . . . Captain Hogan." She held out her hand and Hogan shook it, a look of total disbelief on his face.

"Thank you sir," he replied, Forrest smiled, though she could still see the uncertainty in Hogan' eyes. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"You've earned this James. You'll make an excellent Captain, I'm sure of it." Hogan smiled and gave her a confident nod. Then he turned and left the ready room.

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