Part 2

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Hogan looked up from the tactical station and gazed at the image on the main viewscreen. The planet Cardassia lay just ahead. The giant orange/brown sphere rotated slowly on its axis. Hogan had only been to the Cardassian home world once before and that was during the invasion of Cardassia, in the closing days of the Dominion War. That day was a day he had tried very hard to forget. Several installations orbited the planet along with dozens of starships, most of them the renowned Galor-class warship, the backbone of the Cardassian fleet. Hogan knew from firsthand experience that they packed a powerful punch. He glanced at the operations console where Commander Gleason sat. She was already conducting scans on the planet's wild and plant life. Hogan smiled. Gleason was a dedicated naturalist. He found her hobby amusing. Captain Forrest stood from her command chair and took a few paces forward so that she stood directly behind the ops and helm stations. She turned to the ensign sat at the conn.

"Ensign, put us into a standard orbit," she ordered. The young officer gave a nod and worked his console. Hogan watched as the Sovereign-class starship entered into a standard orbit around Cardassia. The Wellington had been assigned to pick up Cardassian Ambassador Lemor and transport him to Starbase 94 for a meeting with Vice Admiral Elias Fraser. Hogan had found it strange that the Enterprise had not been given such an important assignment as this. He could only conclude that the Federation flagship must have been on an even more important mission elsewhere. The Wellington slowed her speed as the large starship began to orbit Cardassia. Forrest turned to the tactical station and addressed Commander Khan.

"Commander, signal the Ambassador's office. Tell them that we are awaiting his transport," she told him. The heavy set Indian man nodded, but before he could hail the office, his console began to beep.

"Captain, we're being hailed by one of the Cardassian vessels," he told her. Forrest raised an eyebrow. She turned back to the viewscreen as Hogan rounded the tactical station to stand just behind her.

"On screen," she ordered. Khan tapped a control and the image of Cardassia was replaced by the bridge of a Galor-class starship. The stone faced Cardassian sat in the command chair gave the captain a curt nod.

"Captain Forrest. I am Gul Makel of the Rekleen. I understand you are here to transport Ambassador Lemor to his meeting?" he inquired. Forrest gave a nod, confirming the Cardassian commander's inquiry. Makel glanced off screen for a moment and then turned back to the viewer. "Understood. I apologise for interrupting your mission." The viewscreen blinked off and returned to the image of Cardassia. Forrest turned to Hogan, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Strange," she said. Hogan nodded, agreeing with her. The tactical console beeped again. Forrest turned to Khan, waiting to see what it was.

"We are being hailed by the Ambassador's office," he reported. Forrest motioned to the viewscreen and again the image of Cardassia was replaced by the face of a Cardassian citizen, this one a female.

"Wellington, I am Temeha, Ambassador Lemor's chief aide. We are ready to transport aboard your vessel at your convenience." The image blinked off. Forrest and Hogan headed towards the turbo lift. The two officers stepped inside and Forrest called out their destination, transporter room three. The lift began to descend. It took mere minutes for the lift to reach its destination. The two officers rode in silence. There wasn't a lot to be said. Hogan was contemplating the transmission from the Rekleen, how it had been unexpected and rather unusual. Forrest was thinking about how she was going to welcome Ambassador Lemor aboard the ship. The lift stopped and the doors parted allowing access to the deck. The two officers exited the lift and walked down the corridor. They entered the transporter room and stood in front of the console. The transporter chief gave a nod to Forrest.

"The Ambassador and his aide are ready to transport sir," he told her. She nodded and took a deep breath.

"Energise," she ordered. The chief activated the transporter and Hogan heard the familiar hum of the transporter beam as two columns of blue light appeared on the pad. The columns were soon replaced by two Cardassians, one a tall well built man, the other a shorter woman, both with jet black hair and piercing eyes. Forrest put on her best diplomatic smile as the Ambassador stepped off of the transporter pad.

"Ambassador Lemor, welcome aboard the Wellington," she greeted, offering him her hand. Lemor smiled and took her hand, shaking it.

"Thank you Captain. And thank you for transporting me to the starbase. It is much appreciated." He motioned to the young Cardassian at his side. "My aide, Temeha. I believe you have already spoken." Forrest gave a nod.

"We've had a word," she replied and then motioned to Hogan. "Commander James Hogan, my first officer." Hogan gave the ambassador a short nod. Lemor returned the gesture and turned back to Forrest.

"This ship is impressive Captain. Might we be permitted to see the bridge?" he asked politely. Forrest smiled and nodded. She motioned for him to follow her and the small group of four exited the transporter room. They walked down the corridor and entered the turbo lift.

"Main bridge!" Forrest called out. The lift began to move. Hogan turned to Lemor.

"Ambassador, do you happen to know a Gul by the name of Makel?" he asked. Forrest shot Hogan a sideways glance and waited for the ambassador to respond. Lemor nodded.

"Yes I do. Why do you ask?" he inquired.

"We received a transmission from him just a few minutes ago regarding whether we were the ship assigned to transport you to Starbase 94," he told the ambassador. Lemor chuckled.

"Makel has been a good friend of mine for over thirty years Commander. I helped him secure command of the Rekleen. It's in his nature to be concerned with my whereabouts and my safety." Hogan nodded.

"I understand. I apologise for prying Ambassador." Lemor held up a hand.

"No apology necessary, Commander." The lift stopped and the doors parted. Forrest stepped out onto the bridge, followed by Lemor, Temeha and then Hogan.

"Captain on the bridge!" called Gleason from the command chair. All officers stood to attention. Forrest smiled.

"As you were," she told them. The officers returned to their duties. Lemor nodded slowly, taking everything in.

"Impressive," he finally said. He began to tour the bridge, examining all the stations one by one. Hogan noticed that Temeha stayed near the turbo lift. He moved over to her.

"Not interested in our starship?" he asked her. She shook her head, never taking her eyes off of the ambassador.

"I am here to serve the Ambassador," she replied.

"You're his bodyguard aren't you?" Temeha gave a curt nod of admission.

"That is one way of describing my role, yes." Hogan smiled at her bluntness.

"I assure you that the Ambassador is quite safe on this ship," he told her. Temeha turned to face him.

"I am sure that he is Commander. Nevertheless, there can always be . . . unforeseen circumstances." With that, she turned back to keep her watchful gaze on the ambassador. Hogan shrugged and walked to the centre of the bridge, watching as the ambassador continued on his tour of the command centre. Lemor moved to where Commander Khan's post and studied the console.

"I assume this is the tactical station?" he inquired. Khan nodded and motioned to the offensive and defensive controls.

"The Wellington is equipped with sixteen phaser arrays and ten torpedo launchers. We have a standard compliment of two hundred quantum torpedoes and five hundred photon torpedoes on board." Lemor gave a nod, obviously thankful for the commander's information. When he had seen the entire bridge, Ambassador Lemor and his aide left, accompanied by a crewman who had been assigned to show the ambassador to his quarters. Hogan watched as they left and then returned to his chair beside Captain Forrest.

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