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Next chapter! YAY! 

If you couldn't tell by the title this chapter is going to have Ereri action! Wooo!

If you have a dare or truth you would like to ask leave a comment! (Don't be shy :3)

Anyways on to the round!


Nyx: Alright we're back with another round....say hi everyone....

Eren: Hey everyone!

Armin: H-Hi!

Mikasa: Hello!

Jean: What sup!

Sasha: Hi Hi!

Connie: Hey there!

Ymir: Sup!

Krista: Hello everyone!

Annie: Hi!

Bertholdt: Nice to see you again!

Reiner: Yo!

Erwin: Great to have you back!

Nyx: Um....Where is Levi and Hanji?

Erwin: *sigh* Well Hanji was experimenting without my permission AGAIN, so I didn't know what she was doing this morning until their was an explosion in the lab....Levi is cleaning up since he knows she won't.

Nyx: Oh....I thought that explosion was Eren's titan form....

Everyone except Eren: Same

Eren: Well it wasn't since I was never in there but when I passed by I heard Levi yell "DAMN SHITTY FOUR-EYES!" So yeah...

Nyx: Oh...ok....Well this is perfect either way

Reiner: Why's that?

Nyx: We have a dare from ahki03712 "I want you to make sure Levi is not in the room when you say the dare. The dare is for Eren to kiss Levi.However, when Levi comes into the room, blindfold him and place him on a chair.If Eren doesn't want to do it, force him if you like."

Hanji: *burst through the door* MY ERERI SENSES WERE TINGLING IS THERE A DARE?!?!?!

Nyx: Yee


Everyone: *stands and follows Hanji*

Nyx: *looks at the corner* ............*smirks*

???: *giggles*

Nyx: *catches up to the rest*


Levi: *opens door* What the hell.......OI BRATS! Why is to dark in here?                                            There has to be a light...*searches the wall for a switch* Here it is *switches light on* !!!!!

Nyx: *whacks his head with the handle of her dagger*............................................................

Levi: *hits the floor, unconscious*

Everyone: O_O


Erwin:........Alright.........*picks him up and ties him to the chair with rope along with the blindfold*

Nyx: *walks to the conner and crouches down* To far?

???: Little bit, sugar *giggles*

Nyx: *chuckles and pats head*

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