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A/N: to the few people who read my books or this one in particular I have made a few changes such as Levi's name and gender she went from Levi and she to Rivaille and a him  so some changes and other changes you will find along the way hope you enjoy the changes

I was walking through school when all of a sudden some wannabe bitch comes up to me and gives me a piece of paper I put on a non-latex glove and snach the paper and I reads"bitch I dare you to meet me in the right wing quad during 2nd lunch period" I looked up at the girl who gave me the paper I threw it back at her. "Tell that wannabe bitch to say it to my face next time I don't want to ruin my eyes reading her disgusting hand writing" I glared and then walked to advanced calculace. During 2nd lunch period I walked to the right wing quad section. sure enough there was a crowed of stupid looking cake-faced bitches with no life and using stupid snapchat filters(no offence to snapchat users). I walked up to them they looked at me. "Kay you dumb ass idiots what the fuck did you want?" One girl walked tword me I swear my eyes almost melted. She wore a bright ass shirt covered I neon pink glitter and a short purple frilly skirt that badly covered her ass not that she had much and her coochy not to menchon her obvious push up bra filled with tissues and her over the top horrible make up like why ware any at all if you can't do it "Okay bitch where here to call you out and leave Percy alone". I laughed "hold up what do you think is going on with me and Percy"I said while trying not to giggle another insignificant bich stepped up "aren't you dating?!?!" She screched I gagged "ew no he like my brother we've had each others backs since we where toddlers" the main bitch mumbled something about me being insignificant to him when all of a sudden Percy called out jogging tword me "Yo" we said doing our signature hand shake we came up with when we where kids. The main bitch or whatever her name was walked up to us and slapped me percy looked at her shocked he was about to start yelling at her when I put the back of my hand to his chest since we where standing next to each other. "Bitch you have 3 seconds to tell me why your disease infected hand touched mah face" I said sternly my voice dripping with venom Percy stiffened he new what I was gonna do he put his hand on my shoulder "Riva calm down I have disinfectent wipes bleach and sanitizer no need to flip out" "Percy step back"he stepped back knowing what was going to happen he doesn't bother try to atop me or else I'll kick his ass like I have before in middle school when a girl sexualy harassed him and he did nothing about it when he tried to stop me from kicking her ass besides who gives to fucks I'm a dude I'm on the small side, gay and I will hit a chick if she starts shit "you bitch I told you to stay away from him!!! " main bitch practacly screeched trying to push me "okay, let me give to you strait. I am nothing more then a sister like friend to Percy" she still looked furious "HOW CAN HE LIKE YOU WHEN YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR UNCLE!!!" I stiffened everyone who has ever heard of me knows not to bring my "Uncle" in to the conversation "okay you fake ass bitch" I said starting to slowly aproche her"what the he'll do you know about me? " I asked in a murderous tone "easy your the horrible excuse of a neice of a pshcopathic suicidal and terrible man" that was the final straw I herd Percy running to hold me back I was to fast I was already on her bitch ass on the floor pinning her shoulders as she clawed at my wrist with her fake press on nails. "I'm gonna make you regret talking shit about me"I said that before delivering a punch to her nose I obviously broke it. Percy then pulled me off of her. A large ring of students already surrounding us I flipped percy over my shoulder him landing on his back the wind knocked out of him. The girl crying to her girls about her face as she stood up I walked up to her took her face colided it with my knee then punched her in the stomach she grabbed her stomach bending over she backed up and stood up straight I went up to her put my hand on her face and knocked her legs out she feel on her back with me above her as I continued to punch her. My fist where beyond bloody. Her arms pathetically trying to protect her face as I punched her sides. She was crying and bloody all over. I stood up percy crouching on the floor "sorry Percy but, you of all people who have seen me grow up know to never bring him into the argument" the bell rang I went to my locker I had a spare change of clothes and first-aid kit in there too since I'm covered in that bitches blood and the skin on my knuckles broke open. I didn't care if I was late to my next class chemistry can fuckin wait.

A/n I hope y'all liked it I have never written fight scenes so I hope you understand if it's crappy bye give me suggestions and tipps thanks a lot ❤😊

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