i just want to cry

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Hey guys it's me but I just feel like crying a lot of shit keeps happening in my life. I came here to talk with u guys cuz I'm the type of person who hates crying or talking to others about my fears and worrys cuz I feel like a burden to the person I'm talking to and I feel weak because everyone I know has never seen me I such a state but here n wattpad no one known who I am in reality and I can cry shout or just pour my heart put and even if they judge me they don't know who I really am. Your probably like what shit is going on? Well my brother/cousin was diagnosed with a rare form of  lung cancer. His lungs and bronchio tube close up and air didn't flow. He was the person I turned to for help and needs a certain injection in order to breath I'll be going on haitius for a little bit so I can think and cryvmy heart out next to his hospital bed his cancer will only progress with the years to the point until they become as thin as a coffee straw and then close completely. I hope you don't judge me but thanks for reading if you did thanks your all kinda like family thanks it's kinda weird how I'm crying while writeing this but thank you

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