The Captain: the savior and hell to many and all who breath, who die, who love, hate, and to all who ask why.
Oh The Captain, why you? The Captain of all people?! Of all the Heros'?!
Why must light always bring shadows?
Why must you do so much good only to make things worse?
Why must you, The Captain, lead your crew astray? Your life astray? Your mind is polluted. Your conscience is broken.
Your swords have rusted and they are tainted with blood from the innocent. The guilty. The brave. The cowards. Fathers, mothers, children. All slain by your swords of legend.
Swords made in the fires of the great men and women who sacrificed their lives to make your Holy Swords.
But power corrupts. Power pollutes. Power rusts. Power breaks and it leads your ship down a river of red.
Down a path that knows no sunlight and knows no night.
A path that provides shelter for no man, no
And as you travel down this red river, know this: at the end of the river there is a light, so make sure you say hello to Death for us.
- Your once best friend.
Letters During Captain DoubleBlade's Time
PoetryDuring much of Ziggy's time as Captain DoubleBlade, Ziggy received many letters - especially during is more sinister years. This is a collection of letters written back and forth between Captain DoubleBlade and the people. Some are sad and som...