We're too different.

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(Sanya's pov)

So it was sand vs Leaf. A large war broke out right when Gaara lost control and our invasion took its course.The sand was losing. 

I was pretty beat up and bleeding because Gaara was injured somewhere. I was currently trudging through the forest when I found them. That Uzamaki kid was talking about how Gaara and I should suck it up and talked about comrades.

I was leanning aainst the tree breathing heavily. I saw Gaara's eyes widen.

I then felt another painful stab to my chest. I hissed quietly. Kankuro and Temari came and picked up Gaara. Gaara had a weird look in his eyes, but I was in too much pain to pay attention to it.

Him and our siblings were about to go but he said wait. I sighed thankful that Gaara will help me out. He then looked in my tree. I saw him stare at me but he then looked away and they left. My eyes were wide as I put out my hand.

I tried to get their attention but they didn't see me . ".....Ga.........." I was trying to say 'Gaara' but I was in to much pain to talk.

"GAARA! HELP ME!! PLEASE!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!! GAARA!" I yelled through thought. But he didn't even send me a glance.

Then, for the first time, my eyes got watery. I was silently shedding a lone tear. 'Why didn't he respond! Why didn't he help me! Or better yet, what happened?' I asked myself and suddenly the world started to slowly turn black.

~In her mind~

I was bent over covering my ears and was rocking back and forth slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I kept repeating over and over again. I looked up to see the streets of Suna.

Everyone gave me nasty looks or ignored my crying figure. "G-Gaara." I sniffled. I stood up and started walking. No one payed attention to me. I then heard a strangely familiar laugh. I looked over to see Gaara's back facing me

I smiled and ran over to him. I was about to tap him but then he twirled a girl around in his arms.

They were both laughing and giggling. Garra looked up at me with happy filled eyes. he then looked back at the girl and they walked away.

'Even though you're the same, you'll never have happiness. You'll be forgotten.' a voice whispered in my ear. I froze. "For..gotten..." I repeated slowly. Suddenly the scene changed.

It was just an older version of Gaara standing there with a smile and open arms. I smiled and ran over to him, but the closer I ran the further he seemed to be getting from me. My face become panicked as I stretched out my arm.

Gaara's Twin: Two of a kindWhere stories live. Discover now