11 P.M. - 12 A.M.

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Henry stares at Theia with more than just admiration and it's obvious he will never fall for me. Still it's a relief to see her for once, when her invasion of our time usually drives me crazy. The way she hopped over the fence impresses me; she's more fearless than I gave her credit for.

Henry hugs her and she squeezes back. I'm not sure I want to hear Theia's plan just yet. I can't stay here for much longer but I'm also terrified what will happen if she comes up with something that will help me leave.

'What are you doing here?' she asks me.

'I didn't want to be at home.' I bite the side of my mouth. 'Petty bad timing hey.'

Theia remains business-like as usual. 'Is everyone alright?'

Henry looks embarrassed and I answer on behalf of us both. 'His parents would rather I wasn't here.' Before he can protest I add, 'I can't blame them.'

'My parents love you but they're conflicted,' says Henry.

'It's fine. I understand. I'm sure if I hopped over to Theia's they wouldn't want me there either.'

'Selene,' Theia says. She's firm, knowing the conversation is only going to go round in circles. 'If you could leave now, where would you go?'

I haven't thought about this too much. 'I suppose home. But I'd be putting my mother in jeopardy. She wouldn't be thrilled.'

'She'd give her life for you,' says Henry.

He doesn't sound convinced and I don't pretend to agree. 'She's not your mother Henry. Nor yours Theia. You don't have to understand.'

'Right, my mother the hero,' Theia scoffs. I note the sarcasm but don't press for more. 'I think I can get you out of here.'

'Just me?'

Theia nods. 'I can't guarantee what would happen but I think you'd have a good chance of getting away safely.'

'What about the policeman?' Henry asks. 'Have you seen him?'

Theia shrinks up, smaller than her usual brash self. I guess she has. 'I'll take care of him.'

'Are you doing this to save Henry?' I blurt out.

'That's not fair,' says Henry. 'That's not what she means.'

'I'm only half serious. Leaving here is my top priority. Theia, if you can help... there are no words. What about the two of you?' I have no idea what Theia's own situation is like.

Henry looks towards Theia expectantly, for plans to help not just me but his family too.

'The best bet is to wait and not do anything rash. I saw a family.' She doesn't finish her sentence.

Henry puts his hand on her shoulder. 'We saw.'

'So what does this plan involve?' I ask, breaking their moment.

'Give me ten minutes. I need to get something. Are you sure you want to do this Selene?'

'Absolutely,' I say without hesitation.

'You can stay and we can figure this all out,' Henry says.

'And then what? Your parents decide to save me instead? Theia's right, it's time for me to go.'

'I've never heard you say that,' says Henry.


'Theia's right.'

We, The Lucky Few (Book 1 of The Surge Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now