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It's about seven P.M. on a balmy night in early summer and Courtney is knocking on the door of her apartment.

She has lost her key or forgot her key or can’t find her key. Whatever.

"KU-RT," she singsongs.
"Come to the door."
After a short wait, he opens it. "Where’s your key?" he asks, looking as if he’s just woken up.


Their home was just like them.
There are guitars in their open cases on the floor, and a Buddhist altar has been set up against one wall.
Dead flowers sit in a vase next to a pair of those see-through body-anatomy dolls.
In fact, there are dolls everywhere: infant dolls with china heads that Kurt is using in the next Nirvana video, a plastic doll that he found while on tour, and many, many toy monkeys.
Paintings on the fireplace, which is covered with candy hearts and heart-shaped candy boxes.

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