The Dream Stealer

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Hi bros, author here! I just want to know if this sounds like a good idea for a creepypasta and if not, could you tell me in the nicest way possible? Thanks guys and remember to Keep Smiling... *brofist *

Chapter 1:A Calm Spring Day?

Anthony walked past the park which was full of kids. He couldn't wait to marry his fiance and have children of his own. Anthony turned away from the kids and kept walking, a small smile on his face. He was happy that Rebecca had chosen to love him, Anthony was sick. His skin was pale and his eyes were an ebony black. Anthony's eyes also had bags under them and his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. He's an insomniac, but for a good reason.

The wind picks up and knocks over a public trash bin.

"This is what they call a calm spring day? Heh, psyche!" Anthony announced annoyed, turning back to where he had come from.

Chapter 2: Another Nightmare

Anthony walked into his three bedroom apartment, kicking off his converses and tore off his shirt, revealing scars from a recent car crash. *flashback*

Anthony was driving along the highway with his brother in the passenger's seat. "Hey Antho, can we stop by my girl's place I forgot my jacket." Eric said, looking out the window. "Sure little bro, I can make a quick stop." Anthony smiled, but the happiness ended when his brother cried out. "Anthony look out!!" a car had rammed into an eighteen Wheeler and was right in front of them now. Anthony slammed on the brakes but his car rammed headfirst into the Corvette. Anthony groaned as he unbuckled his seat belt, which had cut into his chest from how hard he hit the other car. "Eric...are you...okay?" Anthony looked over at his younger sibling, he didn't get an answer. "Eric?" Anthony placed a hand on his brother's back, but couldn't feel him breathing. "Eric...Eric wake up...Eric...wake-" Anthony couldn't finish his demands as he watched flames lick at the front of his car. Anthony screamed as he jumped out of his Mustang and ran as far as he could. He ran to where he could still see the burning vehicles, cop cars, and ambulances. Then he heard it, the pained screaming of his younger brother, calling out for someone to help him. Anthony began to run back but a cop stopped him just as the flames exploded into a roaring inferno and engulfed the green car. Anthony sobbed as he listened to his brother die in agony.

Anthony shook his memory away and wiped his face with his arm. "Why him...why not me?" Anthony asked to no one in particular. He walked into his bedroom and slapped himself onto his bed. He turned to his nightstand and pulled out a razor blade. Anthony began to cut himself worse than before, at first it was small lines, but now they were deep gashes. Anthony smirked as he bled onto his blanket, watching the red liquid stain his grey covers and pants. "That's enough for today...don't wanna run out." Anthony joked to himself, bandaging his arm. "I should go to sleep..." Anthony yawned and laid back, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

*the dream*

Anthony was at the fair, which wasn't supposed to be in town for another month. Anthony walked through the crowd of people, who were just white silhouettes of their former selves. "What's going on?" Anthony asked, but his voice came out as a weak breath. He grabbed at his throat, which was tightening. Anthony tried to scream only to have his voice come out in a squeal. He writhed and twisted as the invisible noose strangled the air out of him. He looked down and saw that he was dripping wet. Anthony coughed and some water came out. Anthony looked on in horror as the ground turned to water and all the lights went out. Anthony struggled to breath, only to bring in more water....

Chapter 3:Waking Up

Anthony woke up, screaming for help and sweating so bad the sheets were wet. "What the...what the fuck?!" Anthony choked, still grasping his neck. "It was...a nightmare? But...but it was so real!" Anthony got up and looked at his clock, it was 2:00 in the morning. "Well, at least I'm alive and still able to attend my own wedding." he sighed, the nightmare flashing in his mind. Anthony walked into the bathroom to take a shower and looked into the mirror. His ebony eyes shimmered as the mirrors light hit Anthony's irises. Anthony turned on the water, undressed, but didn't get in. He was afraid, deathly afraid. He was afraid of the dream, the sickening feeling of drowning. Anthony washed his hair in the sink and put on extra deodorant. Anthony went back into his room in his bath towel, he would have to put on different clothes anyways. Anthony put on his black dress pants and walked into the living room. He sat on the couch, flicked on the tv only to see his nightmare flashing on the screen. Anthony jumped and grabbed the television, screaming like a loon. He threw the machine out his window, shattering the glass. Anthony calmed down, sat back on his leather furniture, and stared at the ceiling. "It's worse illness is getting horribly worse! I can't let this stupid mental issue ruin my life!" He growled, storming back into his room. He threw on his suit, shoes, and combed his matted punk haircut. Anthony left the depressing apartment, even though his wedding wasn't until 4:00 p.m. Anthony drove his new black hummer to Rebecca's small house. She worked as a spokesperson for a makeup department and although business was good, the employees got very little pay. Anthony knocked on the wooden door, smiling from ear to ear. Rebecca opened her door only to reveal she hadn't got any sleep. "Babe, what are you doing here so early?" She smiled tiredly. "I just...wanted to see your wonderful presence with me..." Anthony lied, he was scared and needed attention and comfort. "Aw...we'll I should take a shower...I smell like burnt candles..." Rebecca chuckled, letting her soon-to-be husband in. Anthony twitched when she said shower,he began to think that the dream was telling him to protect Rebecca. "How about we just...go to bed okay?" Anthony faked a smile and picked the ginger haired woman up bridal style. "I need some sleep...sleep sounds good." Rebecca yawned, a smaller smile on her face. Anthony sighed with relief and carried his love into the bedroom. "I love you Rebecca..." Anthony said as he took off his jacket and shirt. "I love..." Rebecca fell asleep before she could tell him the last word. Anthony didn't care, he knew she loved him. He laid down beside her and hugged her close, but the second he closed his eyes he saw the water. "Aaaaaagh!!!!!!" Anthony woke up, scaring the hell out of Rebecca. "What, who, huh?! Baby what's wrong?!" Rebecca shot awake and knowing of Anthony's mental issue she tried to comfort him. "I had a nightmare...I drowned in...nothing! I knew I was drowning because my lungs felt like they would explode!" Anthony wiped his forehead, his ebony eyes wide with fear. "Anthony, it's's just a dream...are you afraid of water?" Rebecca asked, wanting to figure out a way to help. "No...but I...I am now!" Anthony hissed, fear swarming his thoughts. Rebecca knew he was about to have a mental breakdown, he's had one before, and she witnessed it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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