Chapter 1- Betrayal

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I hate her. I hate him. I hate everyone. Who does that? Who turns around and betrays the only person who can deal with your "trust issues'? I'll tell you who, Paisley King. I sighed as the tears rolled down my cheeks. Who am I kidding? I can't hate my best friend.

You're confused as hell right? I'll take you back to the start.


"Trin! Hurry up!" I groaned as my best friend screamed from downstairs. She was here every morning and I usually wasn't running late, but I hadn't gone to bed until 4 last night. Because of Michael Towns. Him and I had been flirting for several months and I was starting to think maybe he was ready to start dating, we had confessed feelings for each other a little while ago, but he hadn't asked yet. I quickly grabbed my iPhone and earphones, bolting to the stairs and sliding down the banister. I landed lightly and smiled at my best friend, Paisley King.

She was a little taller than me, not quite 5"8 but close. She had light brown hair that made mine look flat and gross, and her blue eyes also triumphed over mine. The only thing I had over her, was my chest was large, as was my butt. Paisley looked over me and then walked to the front door. I followed, not bothered by her attitude, she'd been acting like this for the past two days, so I just thought something was up at home and she didn't want to tell me. She never told me anything though, ever. She had trust issues, so I let her be, I'd grown used to not having a best friend that shared feelings and experience, or anything for that matter.

"Paise, you gonna unlock the door?" I asked while locking the front door of my house. She huffed and then pressed the button for the car.

"I can't keep getting you if you aren't going to be on time" She snapped. I turned my head to her, confused. She sighed, "I have to meet someone, sorry for snapping at you". I smiled and nodded, hopping off the porch and rushing to the passenger side of the car. A Toyota Corolla I thought, laughingly, it was the one car she said she didn't want.

When we arrived, the parking lot was smarmed with students, all of them seniors. Paisley parked and jumped out of the car, quick, not even waiting for me, I sighed. I got out and fixed my outfit. I had lose fitted blue jeans on with a white skivvy and All Time Low band shirt on, topped with a bikey leather jacket. I thought I looked pretty decent.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the library, saying hello to a few people and stopping to make a joke with random crowds, I did that a lot. I was well-known at this school, but only because I was outright bonkers around most people, except Michaels group.

His group were the rich 'I'm better than you' snobby people, who didn't like it if you were too smart, too dumb, too pretty or too ugly. I'll admit, they were shit judges of character, because Paisley is gorgeous and they sneer at her and treat her as if she's the gum on the bottom of their shoe. You did say they don't think the people who are too pretty That gave me my answer. I rounded the corner for the library and stopped walking. The sight before me crushed every fibre of me. Everything in this part of the hallway was quiet, except for the sounds of two people making out.

Paisley King and Michael Towns.

I felt my heart break and the tears rolled down my face silently, I quickly wiped them away and changed my look of hurt, to one of anger. They hadn't noticed me, until I sniffled. Their heads snapped towards me and they jumped apart as soon as they recognised me. I glared at Paisley and then turned to Michael.

"Sorry to interrupt." The words that came from my mouth didn't sound like mine, my voice was calm and kind, these words were laced with venom and hate. Paisley took a step towards me and I turned towards her and glared. "You knew" I sneered at her. Paisley's face fell.

"Trin, I can expl-"

"Don't call me that. It's Trinity. I guess you're 'trust issues' stopped you from telling me this huh?" I gestured to Michael and then back at her. Paisley found the ground suddenly very interesting.

"Trinity, I'm so-" Michael's voice was shaking.

"Don't even" I put my hand up to stop him talking, I was so done right now. "I'll let you two get back to your little" I thought for a moment "affair" I finished and then turned and walked back, noticing my friend Poppy, looking sad.

"You knew about them, Poppy, didn't you?" I said, my voice shaking. Poppy nodded

"I'm sorry"

"I am too. Delete my number from her phone and yours, kay?" I said stalking towards the parking lot. When I got there, I noticed everyone was almost gone and I decided it was a good time to break down. I fell onto my knees and started sobbing, letting the tears go free. I held my head in my hands and just let myself lose control. I felt a buzzing in my pocket and checked my phone, I was receiving a call, from my mum. I cleared my throat and sniffled before answering.

"H-Hello?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

"Trin? I have some bad news" Great, more bad news. Note the sarcasm.

"What's hap-happened?" I couldn't keep my voice in check.

"Nothing too bad, your father and I have some business out of the country, so you'll be living with Roxy's mum for a while, ok?" I sighed in relief. Not only am I not staying wit this school, but I'm with my childhood best friend. I smiled.

"I'll head home now and pack ok? I already know the stuff I'm learning today" I heard mum gasp in surprise, and then chuckle

"Ok, just don't pack what you don't need, grab the emergency credit card from the study and take it with you. Remember to leave-"

"Leave $200 on it so there's enough for other emergencies, I know. Bye" I cut in and smiled.

"Bye Trin, and you can have Paisley over if you want." I gasped and hung up before mum could hear me crying again. I quickly stood, and began walking home. Why would I bring her over when I have Roxy? Roxy never betrayed me. I was soon to regret saying that.

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