Questions for you, my dear reader.

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This is where I ask you for feedback on my story! I've some questions if you'd like to take the time to answer them. My goal in this is to improve my skills as a writer, and to hear about your experience reading Trust Me, so I can improve it as well. You can leave your response by replying with a comment to each question. Please be honest and kind. :)

1. Did the point of view switch feel jarring to you? Was it apparent whose POV you were in? Did they feel distinct from one another?

2. Did you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies in time, the setting, the characters, or other details of the story? If so, can you give a specific example?

3. Did you find the characters to be compelling? Are there any you felt could be made more interesting or likable?

4. Were there any character relationships or character development that felt unnatural or forced to you?

5. Were there any parts of the story that confused, frustrated or annoyed you? Which parts, and why?

6. Did any part of the story feel repetitive, or like it was moving slower than necessary?

7. Were there any parts or elements of the story you felt were glossed over, rushed, or needed more development?

8. What was your favorite part or element of the story?

9. What was your least favorite?

10. Was the ending satisfying? Were there any plot threads left unresolved that you would have liked to see tied up by the end?

Feel free to leave additional comments on anything that stood out to you that wasn't covered in the questions. Thank you for your feedback! And thank you so, so much for reading my story. <3

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