[15] Jonghyun - Detention

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Your teacher was blabbering on and on with music, honestly most of the people in this class are only in here because of Mr Kim, Mr Kim is considered has the 'idol teacher' with his looks, excluding his height, his like a prince. He was talking about how to play the guitar, what were the chords etc.

Lying your head on the desk, covering your eyes with your arm you closed your eyes and fell asleep. You had a big crush on your teacher, Mr Kim. Not good for a student, we'll college student. You looked at his puppy like eyes, his high sculpted nose, his kissable lips. With you going more into your dream, he had his arms wrapping around you, kissing little dots on your forehead and lip--

"______" a book taps your head. Ignoring the person you continued your dream. "______" You recognised the voice it was, Mr Kim :-: You looked up like a lightning bolt, you saw Mr Kim packing up his stuff "class dimissed" Everyone picked up and went out to relax since it was the last class for today, for most.

"Mr Kim I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep--" you were cut off.
"It's okay, it's not like anyone was listening" he says softly leaning down on you. He states at you, with a caring look? "Since you fell asleep I guess you deserve a detention, so I guess you should sit back down" he says pointing at your seat. You groaned and went back, you sat down. You went back to sleep.


You woke up, from a phone call. You jolt up your head with Mr Kim still here watching you. "You finally woke up" he says.
"What time is it?" You say, not bothering to get your phone.
"5pm" he says crossing his arms.
"Omg" you say getting up your seat but was stopped when Jonghyun pulled you back down. With him twirling his chair to face you, he looked at you, he stops at your lips. [I wonder what her lips will be like] Jonghyun thoughts cried out. "I know you've been dreaming about me ______" he smirks. You stutter.

He leans forward, with his thumb under your chin and index finger on your chin he pulls your face forward and kisses you. With your eyes wide open, you knew what was happening with you closing your eyes you kissed back, you felt a smile come across his lips. The kiss broke, "you know your quite lucky that you have attracted an idol like teacher" he smirks and kisses you. "You may go" he says. You pack your stuff and leave, with you closing the door you touched your lips smiling having the thought you have the affection of a music teacher that is considered a idol is really unexpected.


(A/N: feel like I didn't put as much of effort on this :/ tomorrow's the B.A.P concert ^~^)

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