[10] Cute Moments With SHINee

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(A/N: Currently 5am, okay seriously people would be sleeping, then there's me. I'm so bored. So I did this)


Onew: Your the chicken to my pie princess!

You: I don't like pie that much Oppa..

Onew: I'm sorry but that's what your getting out of my mouth.

You: Your the peanut to my butter jelly.


You: How much do you love me?

Jonghyun: Bigger then this universe.

You: Pfft, prove it.

Jonghyun: Okay, *walks on stage, while dragging you along* MY BEAUTIFUL SHAWOLS THIS IS MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER!

You: *well this is embrassing*


Minho: Why are you so short babe *pouts*

You: Because I didn't drink a lot of Seoul milk like you, giant.

Minho: I'm not a giant!

You: Pfft, your even blocking my view so that means your a giant!

Minho: What ever gurl *flicks hair, then gets hair stuck in mouth*

You: OMG HAHAHAHHA! *takes photo*

Minho: What did you just do?! *runs after you and tickles you*


You: Your more feminine then me Key..

Key: WAE?!

You: It's true!

Key: *tickles you* say your sorry and that I'm manly!

You: *laughs* I'm *laughs* sorry *laugh* and your manly

Key: Good girl *kisses forehead*


You: Oppa, why do people say Taeman your not a man yet, you look like a baby still *chuckles*

Taemin: I'm a man in other people's eyes. You well i don't know

You: What ever ~ But I still love my childish Taeminnie *kisses nose*

(A/N: I swear I think I took drugs 5 hours ago. My eyes don't feel heavy, and it's like 5am, someone help me (-_-)

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