A/N: I'M BACK GUYS!!!!!!!

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A/n: Hey guys Kye here and, OHMYGOSH I'M BACK!!! You don't understand how great it is and how happy I am to be back with/ writing for you guys!! I've missed you so much!! I'm so so sooo sorry I was gone for so long, and I thank you for waiting for me. Now let's talk for a sec. I don't recall how long I was gone, but you all have been constantly commenting and voting on this book and I'm so happy about that. Oh and another thing...OVER 4K READS/VIEWS?!?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! I'm SPEECHLESS!! You guys are the best!! This is the highest I've ever seen my books get to. As a thanks I will do a little Supernatural Special and I will make my chapters longer to the best of my ability. Chapter 6 is in the making so I'll try and get that out ASAP!! But anyways Thank you Thank you Thank you for everything to get this book to where it is now. Also I'll do a vote for the Supernatural special, just comment by the one you want.

Going on a "crazy" hunt with the Winchesters (Author joins?)

Ava's birthday/ birthday pranks (Author joins?)

Choose which one you want and I'll start asap :D hope to see you guys soon!!! (I'm going to be using a laptop to publish, so sorry if there are some typos XP)


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