Chapter 14

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—Dean's pov—

I woke up when something hit my shoulder, making me groan from it still being sore. I sat up and rolled my shoulder slowly as I looked at Y/n. She smirked as she tossed me my keys and got out of the car. I pocketed them as I got out and grabbed my duffle bag and brought it inside.

"Oh glad you're back, think you guys are up for another case?" Bobby asked as he was reading a book.

"We step one foot into your house and you're already kicking us out, love you too Bobby," Ava joked as she placed her bag on his couch.

Bobby smiles before putting the book down and opening his laptop. After dropping our bags on his couch, we stood in front of his desk as he turned the laptop screen towards us.

"The case is in South Dakota but it's out in Deadwood, which is about a five and a half hour drive. A murder in a newly wed family, they're supposed to be having a ball like event in the other's honor," Bobby started to explain.

"Wait so they're throwing a party for the person who was murdered?" Ava asked with shock.

"Seems like it," Bobby clarified.

"So it's a deadman's party," Y/n added with a hint of a smirk.

I looked at Y/n a little surprised before she glanced at me and gave me a wink. I smirked before crossing my arms and turning to Bobby.

"If this is some kind of special even then how are we suppose to get in?" I questioned as I looked over the info on his laptop.

"I know someone who is already attending, they can sneak you guys in," Bobby clarified, "but you're gonna need to wear something that's other than flannels and jeans."

"Wait we have to play dress up now? What the hell Bobby," Y/n sighed as Ava chuckled.

"I've got some suits in storage for you boys to borrow but I ain't got any dresses," Bobby mentioned.

"Great! The boys can go and me and Ava will be on stand by," Y/n was quick to respond.

"Oh come on Y/n, it won't hurt you to dress up a little," Ava smiled before gasping, "we need to go buy dresses!"

"Oh brother," Y/n sighed as she rolled her eyes.

Sammy, Bobby, and I chuckled while Ava grinned. We figured out a plan on how we'd get there and when we'd need to change so it wasn't uncomfortable for anyone. We get our outfits for the event and load them into baby. Next we'd drive out there and book a room where we'd change and eventually head to the event when the time rolled around. From there Bobby's friend, who's name we found out was Nick, would get us in and we'd start our investigation.

—Y/n's pov—

Ava came up to me as we discussed how we'd dress. She suggested going to a mall which I accepted sense I had no other idea on where to go. We got in my car and headed over after letting the boys know where we were going. Once we got there I took Ava straight to the store so she wouldn't get side tracked. We grabbed a few, more like Ava grabbed them all, and we headed to the changing room. An older lady helped us in the room and get us her opinion as well.

"Alright last one! I already have my dress and I think you'll look good in this one," Ava ushered me as she handed me the dress.

"Ava I've already tried on like twenty different ones," I complained.

"Then what's one more?" The lady hummed with a smile.

I sighed before taking the dress and getting into it. The lady helped me zip up the back before letting me walk out. Ava gasped and grinned before jumping around.

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