A whole new life. (Markiplayer x reader)

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The sun slowly rose from behind the tree line. It shined brightly through my window down on my face. I opened my (E/C) and glanced out the window. Rolling over I yawned but gasped when I landed with a thud on the cold ground. "Ow..." I groaned. My black husky wolf mix came running up to me licking me in the face. "Alright, alright Kristoff! (Frozen XD)" I smiled pushing the mutt off me. He licked me one more time before sitting down staring at me. We stayed like this until a loud bang sound came from outside my door. I lived in the middle of the woods in Georgia with about 7 neighbors. Me being a strong tomboy I grabbed my a and slowly crept over to the front door. Another loud bang sounded making Kristoff growl and me grip my knife harder. I peered through the peep hole only to jump back and scream. My neighbor Lucy was standing there, eyes bloodshot and skin ripped, bloody, and dirty. Once again she slammed her fist on the door. I looked down at Kristoff before muttering, "We need to go before more come." With that I turned on my heals and rushed through the house in search for weapons and food. I stoped a few times as more of the things walked up to the door banging on it. In the end I had 12 cans of food, my 12 gauge with 10 shots, and my US army kife. With my black backpack on my back I stepped out the back door only to stare into endless woods. As I slowly closed the door. My front door was knocked down. "Oh boy...." I quietly say to myself and walked off.

The leaves crunched under my black combat boots as I slowly made my way through the woods I so very knew. My leather jacket swayed with me along with my (H/L) (H/C). Kristoff stayed by my side, looking down but still very alert. I jolted into action when a scream shot though my ears.

I ran in the direction following my instincts however, a little voice said to take out my knife. Once again gripping the blade I hid in a Bush glaring forwards at a clearing. A girl with long black shimmy hair, emerald eyes, and pale skin was in a tree in the middle of the clearing. 2 of those things stalked her from below. "Oh God," ran through my mind. I slowly stood up soundless. I charged forward and stabbed a thing in the head. I pulled the blade out and watched as the monster fell to the ground. The other one turned and stumbled towards me. I once again shoved the blade into its eye. Dark red blood splattered back on me. The girl gasped before yelling for me to help her. "Hey you, person that saved me, can you tell me your name?" I looked up at her and shouted, "My name is (Y/N)!"

"I'm Lilly!"

"Ok hi Lilly."

"Where are you going?" Lilly began to climb down from the branch she was on.

"I'm heading north to Ohio."

"Can I come too?" I tilted my head thinking if I should trust her or not. I finally nodded and started to walk in one direction that my instincts told me to go. "Lilly is it?"


"This is kristoff, my wolf- husky mix."

"Ok cool pet." After that we fell silent. With only following a feeling that I got that never mislead me in this gone to shit world we continued on our way......

A whole new life. (Markiplayer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now