Chapter 07

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I grab my jacket off my desk chair and bend down to tie my shoes, making sure I have my phone as well. I moved quickly through the home and grabbed the spare key off the coffee table and made my way out the door, locking it.
It was chilly outside and felt like it was going to rain sometime soon. Slipping on my jacket I walked quickly down the streets but being observant making sure no one was following me, like some creep.  My street had night post lamps but most of them were flickering off and on, creating an uneasy feeling but I ignored my gut feelings and kept on walking. I was beginning to think I was getting paranoid because I kept hearing the sound of thick shoes clacking against the side walk, I looked behind me but there was no one there. I pulled my hoodie closer to my face trying to get warm and comfort myself.

It's okay, it'll be okay I kept reminding myself and I began waking faster down the street and took another right. I was almost to the 24 hr market. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out and stopped walking, 'Kookie': are you close? I began to reply back but a hand clamped down on down on my shoulder and another hand came around covering my mouth. I bit down on the hand and screamed so loudly I thought I was going to lose my voice. The person let go of me and I took off running and went straight for the market. I took another turn and I saw Jungkook sitting outside in one of the metal chairs. He looked up and had a confused look on his face and he stood up out of his chair.

I had tears coming down my face and I ran straight to him and hugged him so tight and began weeping on his chest. He held my tight,"Mazuki, what's wrong?! Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I sniffled, "There was a man following me and he almost kidnapped me." And another small sob broke out of me. Jungkook put his hand on my hair smoothing it down and comforting me telling me it will be okay. "I'm here Mazuki, you don't need to cry anymore." My tears came to a stop but I was still shaken up. I looked up and turned around to see the man still standing there, I'm positive it was him, he looks shady with his black cap and black jacket, over all just dressed in all black but he didn't look old at al which was the scary part. "Jeon.. he's over there, I'm sure that's him." I pointed a shaken finger at the man, the mysterious man was trying to act like he wasn't acknowledging us one bit. Jungkook turned me to face him, holding both of my arms. "Okay.. the only way I know is if I kiss you he'll get the idea to get lost, he'll think I'm your boyfriend." I looked at him with a concerned face, kiss? What?

He moved one hand quickly behind my mid back and pressed me close and had one hand held on my face, " Jung-" He pressed his lips against mine firmly but softly. I had my arms against his chest trying to gently push him away but he held onto me tighter. He bit on my bottom lip making me open my mouth more and he slide his tongue in and kissed me again his hand on my back was starting to grip me tighter to him and I moved my hands up around his neck pulling him closer. I didn't know what was happening to me, my body was acting on its own and wanting more but my mind was confused and telling me to stop and get away from him, but I actually liked it. It was wrong, and I knew it.

He pulled away from me looking to see if the man had left or not. "He's gone now, it's okay now Kiki." He smiled and patted my head. I stood there a bit dazed from the kiss. Hell that was more than just a freaking kiss, is that what a kiss is to him? God damn. Part of me was upset at him and even allowing it but I knew it was just for the creepy guy to go away and I'm glad he is gone now because I wanted to talk to him about what happened at the noodle shop.

"Jungkook, can we please talk about what happened at the noodle shop now?" I asked and stepped away from him. He nodded his head, "Of course but let's go inside the store where it's warm, yeah?" I followed him in and we sat by the window.

  I folded my hands together and rested them in my lap, "Please start from the beginning, I'd like to know why you became friends with me, and why is lead to Yoongi saying those things." He looked down and fidgeted with his hands.

"Okay.. um.. well.. it started on the first day you showed up at school. Jenny is someone who I had a relationship with and so did Yoongi. She liked us both so she wanted us both at the same time, she was selfish and still is. A lot of things went down and I'm not really wanting to share that right now. Anyway, Jenny was looking for her next target and it happened to be you. She placed a deal with me if I tricked you into being friends with me and eventually had a relationship with you and.. have sex with you and broke your heart then she would take me back. It hurt Yoongi the most but I realized being friends with you all this time is that you were a really interesting person and you are so intelligent. I realized I didn't want Jenny back, she's a horrible person really and I'm so sorry for treating you like this. Please know that my feelings changed for you and I don't want you to think I'm a horrible person. It's been tearing me apart and I know this isn't who I am." He took one of my hands and held it in his rubbing circles on the top of my hand. " I don't want to lose such a good friend. You're the only girl I can be myself around and I don't want to lose that." He looked down, all the guilt and shame was building up inside of him.

I cleared my throat, "Did the others know about this?" He hesitated, "Yes.. they were aware of the deal and who you are which is why they made things miserable for you and often picked on you from time to time." He gave out a long sigh.

It was a lot to take in, I didn't really know how to react to it all. I just knew I was sad and disappointed in Jungkook because he really did act like a good friend to me. I took my other hand and placed them on top of his. "Look Jungkook.. I don't really know what to say to all of this. You betrayed me, broke my trust, used me, and let your friends humiliate at me to make it seem like you were my knight in shining armor but you're no better than Jenny.. your heart is just as cold as hers, soft at the touch with warmth but your heart is cold as a frozen lake." I let go of his hands and stood up from my chair. He grabbed my wrist and his eyes were starting to water up. "Kiki, please give me another chance. I messed up big time but I still want to be a friend to you. Please. Please forgive me." He kept pleading to me.

It was hard for me, I wanted to say yes and give him another chance but he really hurt me badly. "Give me time to think please, I need some time to myself." I spoke quietly to him and took his hand off of my wrist and walked out of the store. The cold air nipped at my nose giving my chills. I looked behind me and in the store Jungkook was looking down at the ground with a hand covering his eyes. I turned around and headed home. I just need some sleep. One thing at a time.

(A/N: Don't forget to comment, vote, share, follow! <3)

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