Chapter 26

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Kiki's POV

After school had finished Yoongi didn't leave my side. He gave me a ride and kissed me goodbye after dropping me off at the public library to work. Yoongi was still irritated by what Jimin did but I tried to keep my feelings down about it and distract Yoongi and talk about other things so he didn't get mad. It was hard to change his attitude when he was mad.

I sighed and walked up the steps to the doors of the library. I spotted Namjoon easily as he was helping a person and talking to them.  He saw me walked in as he was talking and gave me a slight nod. I gave a weak smile and went to the main desk and put my book bag under in one of the open slots under the desk.

It was peaceful to sit and read for a while. Occasionally I would help people who asked me where to find a book or what kind of books I should suggest based on what they liked to read.

"Hello cutie." A voice spoke to me and I tried not to let out a sigh of annoyance and looked up at the person. "How may I help you sir?" I spoke politely to the man.

He rolled his eyes. "What? No more greeting of 'Mr Hottie'? I'm hurt, that was my favorite response from a girl." My eyes went wide. He's 'Mr Hottie'?

"What are you doing here?"

He adjusted himself from leaning on the counter. "Came to check up on you. Heard you got a boyfriend now?"

"Why are you stalking me? Why are you sending me those creepy messages?" I asked in a hushed voice to not draw attention around us.

"I thought it would be fun to mess with you. I heard about you from Jhope. He loves to talk you know. Chatty guy and all." I raised one eyebrow, "Aren't you in a gang at the school across from us?"

He folded his arms across his chest. "Yes. Your school is our rival, more so to say the gang that's there. Jhope and I are cool with each other but it's the rest of them that I have a problem with. Yoongi especially. He seems protective of you."

I frowned slightly. "What's your name?" I only asked because I got so drunk at the party and I can't remember any of the events that happened properly and it bothered me a bit that I couldn't remember some of the things.

He laughed. "That's right.. you got pretty drunk that night and called me 'Mr Hottie'," He chuckled and calmed down a bit. "The names Baekhyun love."

"Kiki stop talking and get to work." I heard Namjoon behind me say. Startled I grabbed the stack of books that needed to be put back on the shelves and I looked back to see Namjoon talking to Baekhyun in a hushed voice so I couldn't hear.

I sighed and went to the Non fiction side and began to replace the books on the shelves. I was curious what they were talking about so I peeked between  the books and had a perfect view of Baekhyun and Namjoon. Namjoon had his arms crossed over his chest and had a look that said 'oh really'.  Baekhyun held  a stance but had his hands in his pocket that made him seem more causal like they were just old friends talking.

"Are you finding things alright Miss Li?" I turned around to see a slightly heavy set middle aged man. His name tag read 'Joon'

"Ah yes sir." I bowed slightly in respect.

"Do you enjoy working here so far?" It was only the first day but over all, working here was nice. I didn't feel stressed about anything and it was really lax here.

"Yes sir, everything is going well. Thank you for hiring me."

He gave me a warm smile. "How could I not? Namjoon talked so highly of you. And he hardly ever uses the word 'very' when he talks about someone or anything. He's very formal so I just had to."

Namjoon talked highly of me?

"Why did he talk so highly about me if I may ask sir?" My curiosity slight got me.

"Well he said they way you responded to the questions he asked showed a lot about you. He said you're 'very selfless, kind, and caring' that was the first time he ever used the word 'very' about someone in a good way. It just wasn't like him to say that so it made it interesting for me." I was slightly taken back but I really did appreciate Namjoon giving me the job it meant a lot.

My boss held out his hand for me to shake, "Thank you for wanting to work here Miss Li, I hope you continue to work here." I took his hand and shook it and smiled, "No, thank you for hiring. I really needed it and I appreciate it a lot." He gave a kind smile and walked off as I placed the last book on the shelf.

"I see you've met the boss already?" Namjoon spoke behind me, slightly startling me again. I have a slight problem of getting scared easily.

"Ah yes." I coughed slightly. "Thank you for getting me the job. It means a lot to me." He gave me a weak smile. "No problem, but call me oppa." He winked and I smacked his arm. "Yah! Not funny!" He laughed and I gave him an embarrassed smile.

"Just wanted to say that your shift is over," He glanced down at his watch, "You did work over time which is fine but just remember to take a break if you're working this late." I nodded my head and went back up to the main desk and grabbed my book bag.

"Have a good night." I said as I walked out the front doors and he gave me a smile. I spotted Yoongi easily as he was leaning slightly on his bike with his hands in his pockets his hair blew slightly in the wind and he looked up at me with his cute smile.

"Hey babe." He greeted me and took his hands out of his pockets and hugged me. "I missed you." I smiled. "I was only gone for a few hours."

"More like six hours."

"Was it really that long?" He chuckled saying yeah.

He squeezed me as he hugged me with his bear hug. I tapped his back, "You're-" I coughed, "Killing me." He laughed and let go of me.

"Sorry. You're a lot warmer since you were just inside."

"How long have you been waiting for me?"

He looked at the ground, "Two hours." He mumbled.

"What!" I smacked him slightly. "You should have gone home. It's cold, you could have gotten sick."

"It was worth it, to see you smile." I glared at him.

"Stop being cheesy, Romeo. You're making me cringe." I hopped on the back of his bike and he placed the helmet on me and put his on.

"Do you want to come over to my house or do you want to go home?" He asked me.

"Lets go to your place." I wrapped my arms around his stomach and laid my head on his back and he took off heading towards his home.

(A/N: thank you all for reading please vote, share, and most of all comment. Do you think the story is getting better?? )

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