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"It's time to change, [Y/N]. It's time to change what you think of yourself," is what Akaashi had told her. Change. She'd always feared change. But he never told her to change her body, or to change her appearance. No. He told her to change the way she saw her body, to change the labels that floated above her head. He told her that she didn't need them, she didn't need the labels or the ghosts. She didn't need the mirror. He told her he wouldn't change her for the world. He said he loved her just the way she was. He said she needed to learn to love herself before she would be happy.

But it wasn't as easy as that.

"I can't do it. I can't learn to love something I've hated my entire life."

"It's okay," he hushed, the pad of his fingers resting against her cheeks, so careful, so gentle against her fragile skin. "It's okay. We'll get through this together," Akaashi promised, kissing her nose. "I'll be here the whole time."

She wanted to change. She wanted to show him that she could. She really did.

But the mirror told her otherwise.

And she listened to the mirror.


mirror, mirror | keiji akaashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now