Epilogue | The Heart Wants What It Cannot Have

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The next morning, everything had gone back to normal. It wasn't long until the end of the year, which was a terrifying prospect for Ariana. Especially since she had yet to experience a transformation, and she could not do that in an area populated by Muggles.

Her Lupine tendencies had began to grow. Her sense of smell was much better than it previously was, as was her hearing abilities. She also ate a ridiculously raw steak for dinner the night before, since she, Harry and Hermione had been given a meal on the orders of Dumbledore, despite it being midnight.

The idea of her being a werewolf was horrifying. She was officially a creature they were taught about in Defense Against the Dark Arts... It broke her heart.

She had been summoned by Dumbledore in the morning, thus meaning she missed out on her Divination class, much to her joy. To be honest, Ariana fully expected to be expelled from the school to keep the other students safe, but Dumbledore had assured her that would not happen.

Snape, Hagrid and McGonagall had also been in attendance, since they were discussing her new... illness.

It had been decided that it would be kept as quiet as possible. During the week before the full moon, Ariana would drink a Wolfsbane Potion, which would be brewed by Snape.

She was also told the history of the Shrieking Shack. As it happens, it had never been haunted. Dumbledore had commissioned it while Lupin attended Hogwarts so he could transform in there. The screams the villagers of Hogsmeade heard was, in fact, the boy turning into a werewolf.

The Whomping Willow had been placed at the only entrance to the Shack (the tunnel) to prevent other students stumbling upon the wolf.

Now, it had been called into duty again. Ariana would be smuggled out of the castle and escorted there by Hagrid, which was perfectly alright with her.

This filled Ariana full of happiness. It was not going to be spread around the school and she planned to keep it that way for as long as possible.


During their break in between classes the next morning, the four reunited Gryffindors sat in their usual corner near the main courtyard.

Ron had questioned his friends about their adventure since the early hours of the morning, peeved that he was unable to join them.

"Bloody hell," Ron sighed. "I wish I was there with you."

"As do we, Ron," Ariana smiled kindly, patting his shoulder. The girl remembered she had to go and pick up some books from the library for Charms, so she stood up. "I've got to collect some books from the library. I'll see you all in Transfiguration."

Her friends agreed and wished her goodbye, each one offering a smile. Ariana returned their sentiments and began the rather lengthy walk to the library on the first-floor of the training tower.

The sun was shining in the blue sky, a cool breeze rustling the leaves of the trees on the grounds. Only three years into her education at the school, and already she had made so many memories, both good and bad.

On the way to the covered bridge, Ariana took a detour. She managed to walk to the boundaries of the grounds, sitting atop a hill that overlooked the Forbidden Forest.

She sat by the edge on a log, staring out into the canopy of lush green trees. Birds chirped above her head and inside the thick forest, preparing themselves to bring up their chicks.

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