Chapter Nine

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The next morning Monica wakes up getting with her lawyer heading off to court. She arrived to go over some documents with her lawyer. As the court room starts to fill she see Joe walk in and two minutes later to her surprise (not really) Raquel walks in.

Joe goes over to greet Monica, "How are you this morning?"

Monica, "I was fine until SHE walked in." Joe turns around to see Raquel sitting in the audience waving at him. "Real smooth Joseph bring your mistress here and rub it in my face."

Joe, "I didn't come to argue with Monica."

Monica, "Why don't you just get out when we get home?"

Joe, "No. That's my house too. You haven't even stayed in it no more than three days."

Monica, "So."

Joe, "I just wanted to check on you from last night."

Judge, "Mr. Anoai the case is about to start. Please return to your side."

Monica, "I'm fine."

Joe, "Good."

Monica, "Good."

Judge, "We're here in divorce court plaintiff Monica Simmons vs. Defendant Joseph Anoa'i. Mrs. Anoai you filed for a divorce a few weeks ago. Tell me about that?"

Monica, "I have to admit we got married after a crazy Vegas night and at first I was giving the defendant a hard time and we agreed to an annulment."

Joe, "She wanted an annulment."

Monica, "Anyway your honor, something went wrong in the system so we were told to give it a few hours. When I received the call I never went through with it. I told the lady no thank you, I'll make it work with my husband."

Joe, "What changed in a few days to make you say I want a divorce?"

Judge, "That is a valid question."

Monica, "I saw you with her. You cheated on me."

Judge, "Was this true Mr. Anoai?"

Joe, "We did sign for an annulment against my better judgment. She will always say she don't want me, never will. She'll be glad when the annulment is final and can finally happen and she didn't tell me she canceled the annulment. And when my mistress she calls her first met her she didn't say anything but I don't have a mistress because we're just friends and I have told her that I still loved Monica."

Judge, "Why did you inform him that the annulment was canceled?"

Monica, "I should have but when I saw him with her I got angry."

After an hour of going back and forth Raquel steps on the stand saying her and Joe have been sexually active, Joe denies. Judge rules, "I want body swabs and if DNA of her is found on Mr. Anoai I will rule accordingly. See you in 72 hours."

Monica and Joe argues after the court case and Raquel steps in.

Raquel, "Well you don't want him so why don't you just give him to me. Oh what is it, insecure."

Monica, "Stay out of my business tramp!"

Raquel, "Oh what happened to all that college talk a few minutes ago. Right cause you some hoodrat tramp at heart. Joe you just can't take the ghetto out of this tacky bird."

Monica, "And you can't take the gold digger out of you if the LORD struck down himself. You'll die being a stupid dependent hoe. Joe could die five times and come back and you could careless."

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