1. Nice To Meet You

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"AND HERE IS YOUR WINNER..... AJ LEE!!" Jillian announced to the WWE Universe.

I just got done with my match against one of the Bella Twins. I got out of the ring and blew a kiss to Nikki as Brie got into the ring to check on her, I did a twirl and I skipped up the ramp. I went straight to the Divas locker room, once I got in there I took off my gear and put on some comfy clothes. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Colby aka Seth Rollins.

"Hey meet me in the back of the arena as soon as your ready to go. :)"

"K, i'm on my way now." I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my suitcase and headed out to find Colby. Colby has been my best friend since FCW, ever since then we always ride to the next city together, and sometimes we'll be joined by Joe aka Roman Reigns. I got closer to the back of the arena and spotted Seth sitting on one of the crates waiting for me. He looked up and smiled as I walked up to him, I gave him a hug and said hi.

We put our luggage in the trunk of his rental car, and headed out. "I saw your match against Nikki, and you totally kicked her ass. "He said while chuckling at my victory.

"I know, god I cant wait to take away that Divas Championship from her. I mean she doesn't really even deserve it all she does is shake her ass down the ring and shows off her fake boobs." I rolled my eyes at the thought of her doing her entrance.

"jeez, tell us how you really feel." Colby reply's sarcastically while laughing at my comment. He took his eyes off the road for a minute to check his phone.

"Hey do you wanna go to a bar with the guys tonight?" he said while turning his head towards me then back to the road.

"Who's all going?" I replied.

"Me, Joe, Jon... and hopefully you?" He said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Jon? Jon.. in as... Dean Ambrose? I asked a little confused as in who Jon may be.

"Yep.. you know the other member of Shield." He said shooting me a weird look that basically said how do you not know this..... you should know this.

"Oh.. okay..then.. yeah sure."

After about an hour of driving and Colby telling me more about Jon, and about how I would like him, we finally arrive to the next city. We pull into a parking lot which i'm guessing is to the bar. We got out and headed inside, it was was really nice inside it wasn't your average trashy bar. It wasn't crowded or anything for it being only Thursday. I followed Colby over to a table in the corner of the bar, I saw Joe sitting their talking to a guy who had his back facing me, i'm guessing that's Jon.

"Hey guys." Joe greeted Colby and I as we both took a seat.

"Hey." We both said in unison.

Joe handed Colby and I a beer, there was also fries and chicken wings in the middle of the table. I took one look at the food and caved in.

"Someones hungry." I heard a voice say while chuckling.

I looked up to be met with these big blue eyes, that belong to non other than Dean Ambrose.

"Oh Hi, i'm April..I don't think we've actually met." I say awkwardly while smiling.

"I don't think we have, I'm Jon." He introduced himself smiling.

"Nice to finally and actually meet you."

"Nice to finally meet you in person too." He said with a smile stuck on his face, he pulled his pint of beer up to his lips and took a sip.

I guess while me and Jon were introducing ourselves to each other, Colby and Joe were having a little argument about who gets the room with the big bed, like little kids. I guess the hotel we're staying at has a limit of 2 rooms and one has a king size bed in it.

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