33. Colby's Childhood Home

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"So how was your day?"

I looked up from my plate, "It was great. Colby and I just wandered around, I have new found love for Philadelphia." I smiled thinking about earlier

"Yeah its great here. Famous when it comes to wrestling." He said taking a sip of water.

"True." I replied nodding.

"You know every time I talk to you, I like you even more." He smiled sweetly.

I laughed and shook my head, I could feel my cheeks go red with shyness.

"Seriously. I like you a lot Mendez." He said sitting back in his seat.

"I like you a lot too." I replied.

He leaned in smiling, and I did the same.

He looked like he was about to pop the question about being his girlfriend. I couldn't help but panic a little. Was I ready to be in another relationship? With my luck he just picked something off and popped it into his mouth sitting back in his chair.

I chuckled.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was 10:30. We have to leave Philly early in the morning and head to Ohio.

Phil saw me check the time.

"Is it late?" He asked.

"Yep. We should get going if want to make it to Ohio on time." I replied.

Phil sighed. I giggled at him.

Phil paid and we headed out. We got to the hotel and we're standing at my door.

"I see you tommorow?" He asked hopeful.

"Yep." I smiled up at him.

He started leaning in and heart fluttered. I closed my eyes awaiting for his lips to touch mine, when the door behind me opened, making us to pull away.

I turned around to find Colby standing there, I glared at him.

"Hey guys! Enjoy your date?" He asked smiling at the both of us.

I looked over at Phil who looked a little irritated just like me.

"Yeah." I replied plainly.

He yawned, "Ouh, we should get to bed, eh? We got a long drive ahead of us."

"Right. I'll see you tomorrow." Phil said turning to me.

"See you tomorrow." I replied.

He bend down a little, and kissed me on my cheek. I instantly blushed.

"Night Rollins." Phil waved to Colby.

"Night." He replied.

I walked into the room and Colby shut the door behind him.

"Where you two about to kiss?" He asked pointing behind him.

I look up at him and glared.

"Yeah." I replied snippy.

He shrugged and got into his bed.

Ass. I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed pajamas out of it and went to go change. When I came back out, Colby was already snoring. I got into bed and tried to fall asleep.

(Next Day)

We've been driving since six this morning. We drove through the drive thru at Starbucks to get a pick me up and headed back on the road again. I didn't sleep much last night, so I kept nodding off, but Colby's scream o music kept me awake. I was inches away from turning it off, but it was his car, so that means his rules...

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