Candy Red Glasses

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The classroom was loud, you could hear everyone talking all at once as their voices blended together to create one big sound. There was the vocal Keith who was complaining about how the room was too cold and how the crayons didn't have his favorite color, the poor George who was just unfortunate enough to be sitting next to Keith and was subsequently today's rant victim. I don't know why he doesn't just get up and walk away, I know I would have. Keith had pale skin, blue eyes, and hair dark as night that looked as if someone had tried to tame a dragon on his poor unsuspecting scalp. If there was someone who could complain for hours on end without stopping for a single breath, it was Keith. It'll be a miracle if he could be quiet for 5 minutes, a true beautiful miracle.

"Hey Veronica!" yelled a scratchy voice I recognized as my best friend, Teresa. Even through the loud echo of the other kids her voice cuts like a knife through the noise. "Teresa!" I return back as I usher her to come sit with me. Teresa has short golden brown hair with fair skin. However, the first thing that you would notice about Teresa is the peculiar glasses she wore. They were bright candy red in the shape of ovals. They were the kind of glasses that you would see on T.V. shows like "The Howdy Doody Show" or "Mickey Mouse Club House", and she loves them. She pestered her mom forever about them, asking for them constantly and talking about how cool they were. This went on for months until, her mom finally caved in and got them for her birthday in August. She was so ecstatic running around her house shoving the red spectacles in every unfortunate soul the crossed her 5 year old path.

"Having fun sitting over here at the 'cool kid' table?" She gave a loud laugh at her own joke. "Very funny, Teresa. I'm having a blast over here if you must know. I've been watching Keith go on about crayons. I have to admit as annoying as he is, it's quite amusing to watch him flail around and yell. When you're not the victim of the yelling of course."

"Absolutely, way more annoying one on one." She giggled as the bell rang, everyone went quiet and looked at Ms. Maryam as she spoke. " Ok, class. Time for recess. Everybody, line up." She said with so much pep that she could have broken the floor with her step. And doing as she commanded everyone got on line, some faster than others. On the way to the line, Keith slammed into Teresa, making her glasses fly off of her face. George caught them in a courageous act of heroism as they were inches from the floor.

"Here you go," he said as he handed Teresa her glasses back.

"Thank you so much!" Teresa basically yelled in his face, her face the definition of thankful.

"Anytime, Sister-bro." he said awkwardly and walked to the line. He's weird, but in a good way.

When he got outside we were greeted by a swing set, slides, and a brand new seesaw. The last one was getting old and eventually, one of the seats fell off last year. Lo and behold, a brand new seesaw now stood in the yard, untouched by other kids. Naturally, everyone ran towards it to get the first shot at the brand new toy. Teresa moved before me, grabbing my arm and running toward the seesaw dragging me along.

"Come on, we have to get a ride on the beautiful seesaw,." Teresa exclaimed. It was a race of who would be the first to ride the brand new seesaw like a stallion off into the horizon. I wasn't sure if we were first or last but when she stopped I slammed my head on the seesaw.

"Ow."She giggled loudly at my pain and yelled "We're the king of the mountain, we got here first so we win!" I looked up and saw all the kids who just got here groan in defeat. The crowd dispatched into different directions to go do something else as we bask in our victory. All except Laurie, who was just staring at us. I felt very uneasy. Laurie was a generally bad kid who did some questionable things to people for unknown reasons. I glanced at Teresa who seemed just uneasy as I was but, with something else in her eyes. What is that, anger? Hatred?

"Can I play?" He asked with a mischievous and joking grin.

"No, we got her first so you can just-"

"You can go after us, no problem." I finished her sentence for her. Teresa doesn't really enjoy Laurie's company. He tricked her into saying something that was really bad and she got in big trouble for it. What she said she won't tell me, no matter how much I ask.

"Why not?" it sounded so innocent yet his face told a different story. He moved towards us until he was right in front of us. Even through those candy red glasses I could see her eyes full of hate as they glared at each other, a long silence followed this tension.

"Because you're mean and dumb." Teresa answer with venom in her voice as she said the word. Laurie's face looked offended and in a weird way hurt. It look like there was going to be another long silence until BANG. It all happen so fast I could barely process what had happened. They were glaring at each other then, there was a bang and the sound of glass shattering. I Looked down at my best friend, who was on the floor holding her head and crying. I moved to help her off the floor-CRUNCH. I stepped on something. When I lifted my foot and I saw her precious candy red glasses shattered on the grass in a million pieces staring back up at me, and all I could feel was dread.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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