Meeting Her

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Ok so Adrien doesn't know Marinette, explaining the chap title. Also this Chap is in troisième (third) person.

As Adrien walked up the steps to his school, he heard a certain blonde yell his nickname. "Adrikins."
"Chloe not right now, " the seventeen year old said. But it was to late for the blonde had already thrown her arms around him.  "I've missed you, though." Chloe says to him planting a kiss on his cheek. "Oh, I want you to meet someone," says the blonde, with to much makeup on for her own benefit. "Who is it now? Your not going to try to get me in an interview with the news,  are you? Cause you know I don't like them," he says pulling her arms off from around his neck.  She giggles at this. Because the last time she wanted him to meet someone; she had arranged a whole news station to interview him for something he didn't do anymore. Play the piano. They had asked him on which symphony number he liked to play; if he liked playing Beethoven, Bach, and or Mozart. And especially why he quit playing.  The last question made Adrien miss his mother and he blanked out. "No, it's one of my friends," Chloe finally answered. "But I've already meet all your friends," Adrien says, trying not to look or sound annoyed and started walking to history class.  "I think she'll make you happy. "
'How can any of Chloe's snobby friends make me happy?' The boy asked himself. "Does she make everyone do her homework?" he asked Chloe. "No, she's one that has the same interests as you, " Chloe says, catching up to Adrien.
"Like what, Chole? What makes her so special? Is it that she can play the piano and I no longer can? Has her mother died and father only pay attention to his failure son, whenever I still played? No, I highly doubt it," he yelled at her, making her back away.
"I JUST WANT YOU TO MEET HER," she yells back,  beginning to cry.  Adrien and Chloe always seemed to have these sort of arguments. "I'm sorry, Chloe," Adrien apologizes getting closer to her. "I'll meet her okay, as long as it makes you happy, " he says wiping a tear that had slipped down her cheek. This was always how the arguments ended, with Chloe getting what she wanted.  "Meet her at the park,  four o'clock, don't be late, " Chloe said.

Time skip to 3 o'clock

As Adrien walked home, he stopped to see a girl, in the park. She had long hair that appeared to have been braided, and it was a mid night blue. She was wearing a black skirt, and pink sweater. She was also standing on top of the fountain playing the flute. Along side her was a little girl, with light brown hair, and she was wearing overalls, who was playing the clams, with the other girl that looked about the same age as Adrien. The rhythm was a magic spell to Adrien's ears. He walked to the park and stood there watching the females play their instruments. He suddenly realized that a girl had her phone out and appeared to be recording the two. That girl looked the same age as Adrien, and the other girl.  Her looks consisted of long, curled, brunette hair. With glasses, her outfit was the same as the other girls, just with an orange sweater. "Marinette, don't you have to get ready, for the recital," asked the girl with glasses. "Alya, I have to meet someone at four, and I don't have to be down there until five, I have plenty of time," says the girl named Marinette. Alya looks at her, trying to tell her without any words, that whenever Marinette gets there late she's going to say, 'I told you so'.  Marinette continue to play the flute, and as she was ending up the song a tear slipped down her cheek. She sits down on the fountain and whips away the single tear. "Marinette, there's a boy over there, " says the little girl.  "No there isn't, Manon," Marinette says looking Adrien's way. "Gah," she yells and plummets into the fountain. She comes up and stutters," I....uh.... I'm Marinette, weren't we s....supposed to later. "
'She must be cold, it's only early spring' Adrien thought.
"Are you cold?" He asked coming closer to Marinette. She replies,"Y....yes, and it's also because of you."
The last part Adrien couldn't recognize the words that were coming out of the young girl's mouth. "Would you like my jacket?"
"Are you s..sure. "
"Yeah, you can have it if you want, I have plenty more. "
Marinette could feel her legs shake as she climbed out.  Adrien also saw that she was shaking, and decided to pick her up and take her home. "You don't mind if I take you, do you?"
"N....not at a...all. "
Adrien picks Marinette up, surprising both of them. Adrien was surprised that she wasn't so hard to pick up. Marinette was out right surprised that she was being carried by her idol, and expected that she would have to walk. "Where's your house?"
"It's the bakery over there, " She replies while pointing her finger in the direction of the bakery.
"Marinette," Alya calls out to the both of them, "and Adrien, wait up."
As Adrien carried Marinette home,  the made small talk about their favorite colors, and what their favorite animals were. They arrived at Marinette's bakery house and said their good byes.  After Adrien left Marinette went up to her room and took a shower. She came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Marinette's P. O. V

As I was walking out of the shower, I saw a dress that I was supposed to wear.  So I throw of the towel and get dressed.  I have some time to spare so I put on a jacket and head out side. When I'm out of the bakery, I see a black cat on the side walk. I walk over to it and bend down to pet his soft looking coat.  Which indeed was very soft.  "How are you doing today chat noir," I ask him. In response he purrs.  "How about a name for the chat noir,  how about..hmm... Plagg," I ask in thought. Plagg perks up to the name and I giggle.

I just made a new friend.

This chapter is shorter than I wanted it to be. Anywho bye bye chatons!!!

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