Chapter Nine: Paranoia

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  • Dedicated to Ashleigh Crossman

Well this is the last chapter of part one, and i'll be uploading part two soon, i'll say when i start it.


Chapter Nine: Paranoia

10 Minutes Later

We had told Tom and Debra that we would walk home, because it was a sunny day, and there wasn't a cloud in sight.

Me and Melissa were laughing about the things that she was telling me, even if they were making us paranoid, it wasn't like a group of people were going to come up behind us and kidnap us, what could we have done which would cause us to be kidnapped anyway.

"...And then," Melissa was saying, "They will come up behind us, and cover our mouths and wrap their arms tightly around us, so know matter how hard we try, we won't be able to escape, and then a white van will stop near us and we will be pushed into it, then before we know it the doors will slam shut and we'll never see our families again."

"Thanks Melissa" I said sarcasticlly, looking behind us to see if there was anyone behind us and seeing the same group of boys from earlier walking about 50 feet behind us, now I was just starting to get paranoid, "Let's walk faster" I stated in a small, scared voice,and after Melissa saw my scared face, and looked behind us, she agreed and we started to speed walk.

                                        -------------------------Ten Minutes Later------------------------

The paranoia had finally calmed down, and we both glanced behind us to see if there was anyone behind us. There wasn't, we both breathed a sigh of relief, when suddenly a hand came around and covered my mouth, at first I thought it was Melissa trying to make my paranoia worse, but when I looked over to where she stood next to me, I saw that there was a hand also covering her mouth, my eyes followed the length of the arm and saw that the hand covering her mouth belonged to the tall dark haired boy, with the birthmark under his right eye.

I started to struggle and so did Melissa, but two other boys grabbed me, and two boys grabbed Melissa. They then started dragging us towards a white van that had just pulled up about 20 feet away from us.

I then suddenly had an idea, and I had to tell Melissa, so I, hoping that wasn't dirty, licked the boys hand that was over my mouth, and he quickly moved it away, saying "Eww, that was gross" as he wiped his hand on he jeans, but kept his other arm tightly around me. I looked over at Melissa, and she seemed to have a similar idea, because she bit the boys’ hand.

"Rachel, my headaches" I told her, just as he moved his hand, I always called her Rachel when something was wrong and I also had headaches sometimes when the sun was out, but I hadn’t had a headache since the second week that the sun stayed here, a few months ago, so I’m guessing that this type of headache, because it was worse than a normal everyday one or the one I get when it's sunny, means that there is really bad danger ahead of us, worse then getting kidnapped.

The boy who she had just bitten, dropped his hand, and used his other one to slap her across that face, as he wrapped the bitten arm tightly around her waist, just after she replied with.

"My spider senses are broken, Rose" she said shocked, using my name for when something was wrong, and we didn't want someone to know our real names, which meant that she hadn't sensed that anything was wrong or dangerous, even if I had.

"Shut up, Bitch" the boy who had just slapped her, as the other two boys, held her mouth open as she tried to keep it closed, shoved an old, dirty socked into her mouth, gagging her, just after we reached the van, there was one door open, and the only thing I could see was the gym bag in the van, near the open door.

Before I knew it, I was being gagged as well, and we were both getting pushed into the van, where a woman with her light blonde hair up in a ponytail and blue-green eyes was. She pulled us in one at a time, Melissa first, tying her hands behind her back, with a piece of rope, as the three boys held her in place, and then she did the same to me, before pulling us to benches on either side of the van, so that we were sat opposite each other. Once she was finished she went over to the, still, open door and closed it, just as a male voice came through a window, near where the driver was.

"Are you ready back there, Suzanne?" he asked.

"Yes" the blonde haired woman -Suzanne- answered, and not a second later did the little window, which was our only light, closed and we were plunged into darkness.


Part two will be up soon.








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