Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"H-hey Lorri."

I cringed as I recognize the owner of the voice. To finish this as soon as possible, I plastered a fake smile and turned around to face Liam Kendrick, in all his golden glory.

Who is he? Well, he's one of the few jock friends I have. He's fun, smart, caring, popular, handsome and everything how an ideal guy should be. There's nothing really wrong with him. Except maybe he could be a little persistent. Wait let me change that. He could be too persistent. And here he goes again...

"Will you go out with me?" He asks a little too excitedly.

Calm your tits boy. No need to be overexcited. Okay so maybe he has the right to be because he has been asking me this same question for a billion times already. As if the answer would change. I mean, people (specifically girls) have been calling me an idiot for rejecting the guy. Yes he may be a complete package but that doesn't mean I will date him just because he is one. I'm not yet ready for that and probably I will never be unless if he is Matt Grace. And here I am doing it again and probably earning me more hate from his fan girls.

"Liam, you already know the answer to that," smiling wearily and awkwardly, I answered him. He then gives me a face I cannot muster that is a mixture of sadness, frustration and exasperation. For a dense person like me, I feel guilty.

"Lorri! Where have you- oh." I heard Sam calling me and thank God for the blessing! Finally! I needed a distraction. I faced her and notice her brows wiggling while giving me her signature look when she realizes that Liam asked me out again.

"It's okay. I get it. I-I'll see you guys later," he says, smiling awkwardly, while waving his hands at us and disappeared down the hall.

"You really are an idiot, you know that?" She clicks her tongue.

"I get that a lot. No need to rub it in my face."

"But it's Liam for crying out loud! You know how he feels about you! I actually pity that guy right now."

Meet Samantha McGrady. My best friend and probably my only girl best friend. In grade 1, she introduced herself first to me and ever since then we were inseparable. She's the typical bubbly girl you see in movies. She's smart and more fashionable than me and on the very rare occasion, with a little bit of party and a tad bit of alcohol, you'll get to see her blonde alter ego.

"He's hot. You're hot. You totally match! Why won't you ever see that?" She beamed with amusement etch in her face. With all these talks, she's probably thinking of our wedding and our children. Trust me it happens all the time.

"Who won't ever see what now?" James appears and hangs his arm on Sam's shoulders. Oh Yippee! The couple are here to team up and tell me how much of an idiot I am for always rejecting Liam.

And yes you heard me, James Grogan is Sam's boyfriend. He's the captain of our basketball team. He's also one of my childhood friends so growing up, it has always been us three. The first time they met, I'm pretty sure James already liked Sam and so does Sam but they never try to admit it. It's actually pretty obvious like when they get all flustered when one talks and other more times.

They've been in this sickeningly sweet relationship since junior year. After all the years we've told them to just get it over with, they've finally admitted each other's feelings. And to think the whole student body knew of their feelings for each other except for them. Oh the things love do to us.

"You know, Lorri again with her issues on Liam. Tell her she's making a big mistake," Sam said removing me from spacing out. I wanna cover my ears from all these talks. I'm not ready for whatever garbage James is gonna tell.

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