Okay so im sorry it was so short last update. Anywya im going to continue even though my puppy is sitting on my keyboard. :)
"Danm it!' i whishspered under my breath. Why did I have to be with him? and what did she mean we were specail? Gosh why is everything so confusing. We walked into our room which was huge. It looked biig enough for 10 people. Wait. Why was there only one bed and a crib? i mean my sister is young but not that young. Though the crib seemed big enough to hold her but not bane or me. Bane must've noticed it too because he was staring at me.
" So i guess your not going to want to share a bed with me huh?" he said breaking the slience.
" Well no shit Sherlock." I know i was being rude but i was so mad. I have the look for it though. You could say i was emo or goth but i perfer scene. I had snake bite and a nose piercing. I thought they were cute. Though i probably wouldnt have gottne them if i didnt think it would piss of my drunken mother. But that was before i moved Serina and i out to an apartment. Now we were much better but the style has grown on me. Oh well.
" Sissy i have to go potty and im sticky. Can i take a bath?" Serina asked grabbing a hold of my hand. "Sure sweetie. Let me go see what to do about clothes. Um bane could you..?" I knew it was wrong to ask,especially since i was so rude to him but i know noone could say no to Serina.
" Yea sure. Come on Sweetie. The bathroom is over here." She smiled and grabbed his hand. He picked her up and walked her to each door until he found the bathroom. I went over to the liught swic and pressed the button. Within minutes someone was at my door
. " Do you need something ma'am?" A lady in a silver outfit asked. "Okay first off call me October. And second yes i need to know where the bath stuff is and clothes?"
"Okay what do you need ma'... October?" " Oh um i need to know where clothes and bath stuff is?"
"Your clothes are int he drawers. And the Bath items are under the counter in the bathroom. Anymore questions?"
" Oh just one when is dinner?"
"You will be called to dinner."
" Okay thank you." She nodded and walked away. I went to the bathroom to tel Bane where everything was. When i got there i had to stop in awe becasue of the incredible design and decoration of the bathroom. Bane had already found the shampoo and conditioner along with bubble and was running water for Serina.
' Okay so what do you think the chances are that your sister will actually talk to me?"
"Hmmm about a 32 percent chance."
" Thats all?"
" Uhh huh!!"
" Well im going to.." he started tickleing her" tickle you until it goes up!!"
"Never!!" She was laughing so hard she was crying. I couldnt help but bust out laughing. Bane turned around instantly.
"Oh hey ididnt know you were here. "
" Yea i just came to tell you where the bath crap was but you already found it."
"Yea. speaking of baths, Serina your is ready."
"Are you going to stay in here wiht me?" She asked so haertbreakingly sweet i didnt think he would be able to say no. Heck i didnt think i would be able to say no but, she was old enough now that we didnt need to be there.
"Actually sweetie. Your sister and i are going to go get your clothes ready."
" Okay is there any toys " They are already in the bath. your sister and I are going to go out now. If you need anything just call us."
We walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. "So, um how much did you hear in there?" he asked kinda akwardly.
"Um not much just somethings about tickling her. it was cute." I smiled at him and her smiled back. We sat there after that and just talked about silly little thigns until Serina called me to get her out of the bathroom. I got her dried off and dressed and put a movie on for her while I took a shower. I got out of the shower as bane came in.He looked at me and i wrapped a towl around my body.
"What the hell?!?"
"Im sorry! Im sorry! I was just going to tell you dinner was ready they called us down."
" Why didnt you knock???"
"I did!! You didnt answer i figured you were still in the shower!!"
"Well go away!!" he ran out the door. I didnt feel like fixing my hair so i just put make-up on. Then i relized i didnt bring any clothes with me. Damn! I dont wanna go out there but technially it would probably make Bane drool. That would be funny. Hes cute i'll have to admit. I mean in the dark i couldn't tell but his hair is a pale blonde, his skin is slightly tanned, and his eyes are as green as emralds. He was beautiful. It made it better that his attire was skinny jeans and a tee shirt. I tighten my towle and walked out the door. I saw Banes jaw drop but i kept a straight face. i went to the drawers and saw they had my type of clothes in them. I grabbed some boyshorts, a bra, some shorts and an All time low tee. i walked back to the bathroom withput a second glance at Bane. I knew i had just made him want me but i was hungry and didnt care at that very moment about how much i wanted to kiss him. Wait? What, no, no i could nt think that not when,,,
I got dressed and came out again. 'ready to go get Dinner?
"Yess very much so." serina replied instantly. We headed to the dinign room without a word.
So if you want me to keep writing comment (please :))
Life Gone Hard,-er.
Подростковая литератураLife isnt as easy as you think, especailly if you know the Oranzhevye Glaza. When your life is already a mess and you bascailly a mom whos boyfriend could go to jail if people knew you were together, it would appear you life sucks, Well appartally n...