chapter 28

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A/n So I have been debating if I would make them kiss or not and thought about it for 2 days (I wrote the previous chapter a view days earlier then uploaded) I decided on this, enjoy

----------------Vik's p.o.v.----------------
As I walk into the house I yell "Josh you twat" I hear some stumbling and then he walks down hugging me "I'm sorry but at least you kissed her" he says. I shake my head "no I didn't, you walked in before I kissed her and then we went out and it just, I wanted to do it right so I didn't kiss her yet" I say slightly annoyed. "Dammit I'm so sorry Vik." He says. I shake it off. I didn't kiss her but I did ask her out and she said yes so it will happen.  Her insecurities make me insecure though. "It's okay, it will be fine. I asked her on a date and she said yes. I waited so long I can wait a view more days."

I walk upstairs and start walking around, what should I do for a first date. It should be not to much but also not boring. I let out a scream as I let myself fall on the bed. I hear the creaking of the door and as I look as see a worried face of Simon. "What's up buddy?" He asks. I shrug "everything." I let out a grunt and fall down again "what should I do? What is a fun date?" I ask Simon. He lets himself fall down on the bed, we're laying shoulder to shoulder I can feel him shrug ''Do something super romantic with candles and dinner and stuff.'' I shrug ''That's too much. For 2 reasons I won't do that, that is so not us. So not her and me, secondly how can I even top that on the second date.'' We stay quiet for a while. Just staring at the ceiling'.

Suddenly Simon jumps up and turns around "Josh an JJ own you a favor right?'' He asks. I slowly sit up ''yeah, JJ owns me 2 why?'' I question, where is he going with this? ''well..'' he starts making me impatient ''well what?'' Simon chuckles ''go on a date that would be totally you'' I raise my eyebrow ''like what.'' Simon explains his whole plan and it sounds amazing. I text Sophia quickly

Text to Sophia: hey, tomorrow date, I'll pick you up at 7, wear something comfy.

All I have to do is convince Josh and JJ. They own me a favor so it will probably be fine.

First I walk towards Josh his room. ''hey Josh, remember that you own me a favor?'' I ask him. ''I am not gonna dress up in a suit to be your waiter'' I chuckle ''that's good because I wasn't gonna ask you to do that. You need to help me clean the house tomorrow morning and or afternoon He gives me a weird look ''thank you" I yell before running towards JJ's room.

''JJ you still own me'' I say before saying hi. He looks up from his computer ''I'm filming" he says. ''ow sorry man, just wanted to get score right, so you don't own my anything anymore.'' He shrugs ''what do you want Vik?'' ''I need your help cleaning up downstairs'' he looks confused at me ''Is that all?'' I shake my head ''no you also have to be out of the house from 7 pm till 1 am.'' ''what and where am I supossed to go then?'' I shrug ''not my problem, go to the cal's, Tobi's, Ethan's or somewhere else, you're a popular guy.'' ''Fine but just because Sophia is amazing and really really hot." I chuckle, JJ always finds away to be slightly inappropriate. ''I know'' then I walk away. I decide I should probably film a video for tomorrow so I don't have to worrie about tomorrow morning. Maybe a golf video, the guys could join. I grab my phone and start texting in the groupchat.

sidemen groupchat typo's included

Me: hey you guys, as I don't have time to film tomorrow, neither do Josh, JJ and Simon I thought we might film a golf video, who's in?

Dad: yeah sure, hale an hour?

Dad: dammit meant half

Nimrod:  im in

Jizzle: half an hour :)

hot pink (JJ): easy video alwaus up for that

Zingu (ethan): sicl of that game not doing it tonight

Zingu: *sikc

Zingu: **sicl

Zingu: ***sick

Bog (harry): hahaha you alright ethan?

~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~
I get up early but everything is a mess. I bake some pancakes and wake up the guys around 10. They start complaining but when I tell them I made them food they cheered up a bit. After eating JJ started cleaning the kitchen, doing the dishes, cleaning the counter and the floor. Josh started on the living room, getting all the dirty stuff off the floor, the dirty dishes to JJ and vacuuming the couch and floor. Meanwhile Simon offered himself to clean the small downstairs bathroom. Cleaning the toilet and the sink and making it smell better. And last, I started on the hallway and the stairs. First getting all the stuff out of there. As I started vacuuming Simon came to help me. We worked together mopping the floors when Simon suddenly said "we should clean upstairs as well and your room just in case you're gonna take it upstairs." "Yeah Vik grab that ass" JJ said as he just walked in. I just started laughing.
After an break and 6 hours of cleaning we were finally ready.
"I am going to the store guys, see you in a bit" I yelled "wait for me" I heard someone reply. I waited at the door and saw Josh running down the stairs "don't you need to film?" I ask him. He nods his head "yeah but I need some whipped cream for that so I'm coming with you." I just nod.

I had 100 euros to spend on food and I used is amazingly. I bought 2 cans of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. 30 euros worth of chocolate, a lot of chocolate. Some Vodka, as I know Sophia likes, a lot of red bull. Some beer for me. Some coca cola and 7up and Fanta. Last but not least a red rose. That might do it.

When I get home, after a lot of complaining from Josh about me taking to long, I only have 1,5 hours to get ready. I quickly hop into the shower and get some clothes ready. I grab this outfit together.

(I cut josh half out of it sorry)

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(I cut josh half out of it sorry)

I grab my car keys, my wallet and my phone and start driving towards Sophia's. I start to go pretty nervous. Maybe she doesn't like the date. Maybe she changed her mind. I get at her house way to quickly and I would like to just drive another round again but I don't like being late so I park my car, grab the rose and walk to her front door. I take a deep breath and then knock on the door.

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