The Trickster's Daughter

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Kalipso's Pov

        I sat on the couch as I waited for my so called 'father' to return. Many know him as the Trickster but his real name is Gabriel and he is an Archangel. My mother was a demon but I never knew her, I guess that would make me half-angel and half-demon. That right there spells Freak with a capital F. I have powers like my father and weaknesses like my mother. I can teleport, make things appear out of nowhere, walk into dreams, oh and I have a pair of pitch black wings with what looks like golden paint splatters. I get trapped in Devil Traps and Holy Water gives me a headache. I do not need a vessel and can travel to heaven, hell, and earth whenever I want. Oh and I can only die by an Archangel blade. My father says that it's a good thing but I don't think so. It's kinda boring knowing that I can do whatever I want and not be killed. I hear the door open and Gabriel walks into the living room. The second he walks in the room starts to smell like a mixture of beer and sugar. I look up at him and his golden eyes peer into my hazel eyes. A smile lights up his face and he strolls over to me. 

        "Kalipso! How have you been since I left?" He asks me as he envelops me in a hug. I stiffen up and inhale his scent. The one thing i'll miss about him will probably be the scent of beer and candy that clings to his clothes. He pulls away and gives me a childish smile that brightens his eyes.

        "I've been okay, I have got some bad news for you though. Gabriel I have decided to leave this house. I'm going to leave." I don't show any emotion when I tell him but he did. His smile dropped and tears filled his eyes along with a mixture of emotions. There was anger, pain, sadness, and betrayal. He looked at me and sighed loudly.

        "Why? What did I do wrong? Please don't leave, i'll do anything to get you to stay." I started to get saddened by the desperation in his voice. I blocked the emotion and looked him in the eyes.

        "It's not what you did, it's what you didn't do. You are never home, you never answer my questions, you don't care." With every word that I said he flinched as if I had slapped him. He clenched his fists and glared at me in frustration. I could tell he was about to yell at me and so I stood up and looked towards the wall behind him.

        "Don't you understand what I do for you! I keep you safe from the other Angels and the Demons! Don't you get that since you are half angel half demon that both sides of this war want to use you as a weapon! You will be in danger if you leave! I won't be able to protect you anymore!" He got in my face and yelled. I kept my cool and looked up at him. He was approximately four inches taller than me which put me at about 5'4".  He had anger written on his face but pain hidden in his eyes. I know from his stories that he left his family behind to get away from fighting and i'm sure he didn't want his only daughter to leave him behind. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

        "I appreciate everything you have done for me but I can't be caged up like an animal. I need to get out and do something." I told him, hiding the desperation threatening to show through my voice. Tears fell from his eyes and he looked away from me. 

        "Fine. If you want to leave than go. I don't want you here anymore anyways." His voice cracked and I know he didn't mean it but it still hurt me to hear him say that. I grabbed my jacket and headed out of the house before he could see the tears running down my face. I understand he was upset but he had no right to tell me that he didn't want me anymore, after all he was my father. I fished my keys out of my coat pocket and got on my motorcycle. I drove away from the house faster than a bat out of hell. Gabriel had his reasons for saying what he said but i also had my reasons for leaving. I was twenty-two years old and I had every right to leave that house. I didn't need to be there when he used his powers to get his 'fantasies fulfilled'. My vision was blurry and I knew that I needed to slow down before I crashed. I happened to glance at the speedometer and saw that I was pushing 115 in a 70mph speed limit. I slowed down to a tad bit above the legal limit and turned onto the highway. This was the first chance at freedom I was ever given and decided to go as far as I could. I laughed slightly and shook my head to focus on the road. Goodbye Abbot, Maine. Hello rest of the U.S.

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