Betrayal Via Friends

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I took the notebook that was on my jacket's pocket and wrote down the code, thinking about it.

What is actually the truth?
But can something be real and also have some other state?
My mom and Edward say and insist "You've gotta stop"
Is something real 'cuz we see it? I think there's more, 'kay?
Good luck, Mr. Detective. I hope you're unique enough to solve this.
Maybe we will never know. It bothers me... Or maybe not. I just truly hope you care about the mystery.


056 08479 3488132

If you thought a cup of tea with the all-seeing eye was fine, and that you were fine with your age when your life reaches an end, you should know that you are like me: with a beaten ass like M, waiting to be de(-)nied, 'kay?

2 14239 756 67214 828 21

There was no doubt that was the code. I was sure about it... It was a weird text, and considering the language used before, those words had been wrote on purpose, under a lot of thought, even if they seemed random. I split it into two pages, the in between point being located between the first group of numbers and the second text.

It's not like I want to be right: I don't have a psychological or pathological reason to want to be right, this afternoon being the example of a situation where I wished I wasn't correct. But if I'm right, does that mean that my actions were done according to an hypothetical assumption that I'd done before about the truthiness of my predictions? Or does the fact that I've done nothing to prevent them make them come true?

My first step was to order all the little excerts of the first text, which resulted in the following:

1 - What is actually the truth?
3 - ... but can something be real and also have some other state?
2 - My mom and Edward say and insist "You've gotta stop"...
4 - Is something real 'cuz we see it? I think there's more, 'kay?
6 - Good luck, Mr. Detective. I hope you're unique enough to solve this.
5 - Maybe we will never know. It bothers me... Or maybe not. I just truly hope you care about the mystery.

Who was Edward? That was my first question. Wiping the rest of the blood away off the screen with what remained clean of my arm, only to then hide it with my jacket's sleeve, I picked up the now-clean computer to ask some questions to Ivy and Andrew, that were now in the resting room, crying. That whole situation showed me that that neighborhood actually had a soul, and that it was able to feel something.

- I'm so sorry to ask you this, but I need to know something... Who is Edward? - Ivy's face suddenly got even redder than before, but Andrew continued to cry, clueless as to what was going on in that strange scene.

- I don't know. Why do you ask? - He answered between tears. Ivy, clearly stressed, wiped the tears away on Andrew's shoulder, blew her nose and then followed me outside, shutting the door behind her.

- Where did you find that? - I showed her the computer screen. - I lost her, but I'm not gonna lose him. - She said to herself.

- What the hell are you talking about? - I asked.

- Listen to me. - Her voice was shallow and broken, even though her tears could be heard through it - You do not talk about this around him, okay? Please, I'm begging you... It was just one time.

- Ok, calm down. Just tell me this. How did she know about it?

- I don't know. She was a little brat that just knew things. Of course I miss her, she was my kid, but... - Tears started flooding her face again.

- It's okay. - I said, trying to remain friendly. She hugged me and cried on my shoulder for 2 minutes, while I rubbed her back. I pitied her, and this time, it was true pity: I had felt what she did, even though a friend is not the same as a child.

Eventually, she stopped holding me and went back into the room with all the couches. I also returned to the room I had been before, the crime scene.

- Hey. - I said to her. - Are you okay?

- No. - Maggie got up and hugged me. - How could someone do this, James?

- It's okay. - Like with Ivy, I rubbed Maggie's back, but this time, with much more expression. - I'm gonna find who did this, ok? - I could feel her nod. All I could think of was "Finding out who did this might not be so good...".

To be honest, it didn't matter to me who the killer was, as long as they would be putten away. What mattered to me was what Maggie would have to go through: it's pretty harsh when someone loses two friends in the same day. Because let's face it, we both know that the culprit was in that house.

She stopped hugging me after a while and returned to the cold body of the teenager.

- She has been dead for maybe 3, 4 hours. - Her ability to look professional throughout that sentence was amazing. - She bled out, clearly, due to the cut of the aortic artery. I also found something weird: her shirt was all wet. Maybe she just spilled water on herself, but nobody knows.

- Ok... So, if she died 3 hours ago, the only people that could've gotten her were Peter, Tyler, Ivy and Andrew.

- Bae, you can't possibly think that they would do this.

- Honey, this year I was also fooled by my friends. - I never told her what happened in June, just because I didn't wanted her asking me questions like Hannah. - And I know this're your friends, but there's no way to...

- I'm talking about Ivy and Andrew! How could they've done it? It's their child... Why would they have done it? - The tears came back as fast as they got off her face.

- We're gonna get to the bottom of this, honey. - I said, holding her yet again. - I promise.

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