Character's Epilouge's

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Hey guise!

I'm going to start ending Hating Ariel and get working on I Am Kate Lawson for a while. And to everybody who read, thank you so much for reading.

First, is Ariel's POV on what happened to her. I'll update all the characters epilouges.

Dedication to HeatherRoberts because I like her books. Crazy in Love is recommended to anyone who can read!




Bella, Rhys, Cooper and I literally dragged Emily back to my place. We placed Emily on my couch and I ran back to my room. I flopped down on my bed.

I was exhausted from all the dragging. I grabbed my MP3 player out and I blasted music.

Later, Bella walks into the room. I turn the volume down and turn to her.

"Aren't we lucky?" Bella strikes up a conversation.

"Lucky? About what?"

"Emily," she states, "We're lucky she knows how to swim"

"Yeah," I agree, "We could've lost her to that plane crash"

"The other downside is that she could've gave up swimming and even her own-"

But I cut Bella off. "Lets look at the 'up'sides, Bella"

"But if she drowned, she might have found treasure or the kingdom of Atlantis."

"Actually, she would barely be able to breathe by the time she reaches the ocean floor"

Bella pouts. "Do you always have to make everything serious?"

"Bella. Can we have just a minute silence WITHOUT you talking?"

That girl talks a lot.

"OK, if you can go a minute without me talking"

So, Bella shuts up. When we got to about 30 seconds, I said, "Its too quiet"

"Ha!" Bella laughs, "Told you!"

She pokes her tongue out and skips downstairs.

I shake my head and put an earphone into my right ear. It was playing, "Slow Down' by Selena Gomez.

I heart Selena Gomez. She's simply is THE best!

Several minutes later, Cooper walks in. Again, I lower my earphones and turn to him.

"Hey" he says sitting on my bed. My sit up and face him.

"So, you don't like Calvin?"

"Nah, he's not my type"

"Then, who is?" Cooper smirks evilly.

I return his smirk and lean forward. Slowly, I put my lips against his.

"You are"

"Really? Thats sweet"

We locked eyes. The stare was intense. Cooper looked like he was going to busting to tell me something. But I was not prepared for this,

"Ariel," he softly says, barely louder than a whisper, while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

I was so shocked, I jumped up. "I don't see why not"

Then I continued, "Now I have to change my name to Lacie or something"

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