What happens after- Part 1

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Last chapter of Hating Ariel. Enjoy. Picture of Bella and Tyler's daughter -->

If she's familiar, its Mia Talerico

I'm also loving the Shakira song on the side. Its called Empire.


-1 and a 1/2 years later-

Bella's POV

"Mummy" I sleepily rolled to my side to see my daughter Zoe between Tyler and I. Except for the fact that Tyler has gone to work and I'm in my own.

"Mummy's sleeping Zoe" I groaned, rolling to the other side.

But Zoe doesn't give up. "Mummy it's my birthday" Zoe sobs.

I shot up. My daughters birthday. I smack my forehead. How could I forget that?

"Sorry Zozo, mummy's so busy, she forgot"

"It's ok mummy" Zoe says, "I just want daddy here with us"

I held on to her. Zoe rarely sees Tyler. He goes to work so early and sometimes comes back hours after Zoe has gone to bed.

"Daddy'll be-"

But I was interrupted by a loud bang. I was so shocked, I fell off the bed. Zoe burst out laughing.

"Epic fail" she told me. She's only two and we already have a special mother and daughter bond.

"Who taught you that?" I scolded her.

"You, mummy" she points to me proudly.

"Hurry take cover" I told Zoe, diving under the bed.

"I've known you so long and you're still so immature" A familiar voice spoke.

I peeked up from under the bed. "Tyler?"

"Silly mummy" Zoe shakes her head her messy golden locks flying everywhere. She ran to hug Tyler but she happens to hit Tyler really hard.

"Ow." He groans, "That's gonna hurt"

"And leave a bruise" Zoe said, "Me make sure of that"

Let me tell you about Zoe. She learnt to talk really early, unlike some kids. She speaks to mature for her age. I keep telling her to speak like a normal 2 year old would but she wouldn't. I guess it got into a bit of a habit.

"Happy birthday, Zozo" Tyler says, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I asked my boss if I could take the day off" he says to me, "he said yes"

"By the way, you're going to have to owe me another two hundred dollars for the door. Again."

"Just trying to make another grand entrance"

"Spy kids entrance? Seriously?"

"Whatever" Tyler mutters.

I guess that what happened on Zoe's 3rd birthday. Tyler, Zoe and I had so much fun on that day. We invited some of her friends over and threw a huge last-minute party.

Probably the best day for Zoe, Tyler and I.



"I love Italy" Ariel gushes.

"I told you you'd like our honeymoon. Just the two of us..."

"Ooh, I see the leaning tower of pizza"

"Um it's pronounced 'pisa'"

"I don't get it." Ariel suddenly exclaims, "if it's leaning, why hasn't it fell yet?"

I chuckled. "It's built that way"

"I see London bridge" she says, placing the binoculars near her eyes.

"Uh, we're in Italy"

"No, seriously" she hands the binoculars to me.

"That's the bridge of sighs, doofhead. Now I get why you got a F for geography. And for history"

"Shut up"

"We're married now, I can say what I want"

"Again. Shut up"

The blue eyes that I fell in love with years ago went back looking through her binoculars.

I stared at her. I can't believe I never noticed her until Year 10. We'd been going to school together for so many years.

I think its the fact that Charlie and Sara were always mean to her and I didn't want to be part of their 'bullying'.

"What?" she says, when she catches me staring at her.

"I love you" 

"You cliche weirdo" she muttered


 Heyyyy. Sorry for the wait. Looking on the bright side, I had good reports.

Going to consist of 2 final parts of the final chapter. But only on certain characters because:

Emily and Eric's part is finished, they live happily ever after.

Alexis and Zac recently had a newborn. They are getting married soon. Their part is also finished (because I don't want to bore people my doing another wedding chapter).

Kathleen's (remember her, Alexis' twin?) chapter is going to be quite interesting. 

I'm figuring out the plotline for Hayley's part of the story. She's still single.

Lauren's chapter will be the last one and its going to be in Zac's POV because I need to write more from the boys POV's. 

Hayley and Kathleen's chapter is coming up in Part 2. 

Stay tuned, Sasha

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