Chapter 2| Sweet Yet Dangerous

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The sun beamed through my window and on to my face making me wince at the bright light. I pulled the covers over my face, the sun was beauitful when it set and when it wasnt waking me up from glorious sleep. I heard them before they entered my room so I quickly hid under my bed with a swift movement "Huh? Where is Danni?" I heard nathan asked "She was here... a minute ago..." Caroline stated clearly confused as to where I could have gone in a short matter of time "So much for waking her up for school" she said walking toward my bed. I snaked my hand out, gripped her ankle tightly and yanked, Caroline let out yelp as she hit the floor with a thud "You are so rotten" she screamed once I came out from under the bed "I am not rotten, I am as sweet as they come" I said smiling devlishly. Caroline got up and rolled her eyes and smoothed out her pink sparkle top "Sure you are" she stated with an eye roll, "Get ready, we have school, I have no time to be late" she said pushing me toward my closet.

I was competely dressed, typically in black ripped skinny jeans and dark purple shirt that 'Bite Me' in red lettering, I pulled on my purple Dr Martens and headed downstairs "Finally" Caroline whined tossing me a bag of blood "Lets go" she said grabbing my hand and tugging me out. I sighed when I realize why she was being to pushy and rushy, Lucifer was taking us to school today. I watched as Caroline skipped happily towards his car, getting into the passngers seat, while I hopped into the back "Nice to see you Dan" he said looking at me through the review mirror, I nodded my head in actknowledgement because I was currently sucking the life out of a blood bag. "Ah" I said throwing my head back into the seat of the car, although the bag was pretty big and full, I craved more "C, got another?" I asked sticking arms through the sides of her seat waving my hands around to annoy her "Danni if you dont stop" she said highly annoyed with my behavior "Do you have another??" I questioned placing my hands back at my side, I heard Caroline unzip her purse and she handed me another bag "Here" she said I squealed in joy "Thankyou" I said before ripping the bag open and devouring it.

Moments later we were infront of our school, I quickly jumped out of Lucifer's car "Come on C" I said tugging her toward the school but she stay put I turned toward her and her face held blush as Lucifer held her waist staring at me to let go, I groaned and let her go "I'll see you later C" I said waving and walking away. I walked into school alone, "Lockheart is back" was all I heard, no surprise there most school's have a bad boy but in this one there was a bad girl which is a damn shame being that my grandfather actually runs the school. I reached my locker and opened it tossing my entire bookbag inside and slamming it shut, I was basically kicked out of school since I did attempt to open the door on school grounds. I no longer had a schedule so I had no rush, no class I needed to be in. I skipped merrily back down the hall towards the principal's office without a care in the world "You have a lot balls being that happy" Logan said to me as I began walking skipping had become to much work for me "What? Am I not allowed to be happy" I questioned looking at him "I mean, you were expelled" he trailed off "You're point is?" I asked wanting him to carry on "Im sure the count wants your head lockheart" he said clearly confused by my behavior. I stopped walking and let out a loud heartfelt laugh which caused all the kids in the hallway to stare at me "W-why are you laughing?" He stammered out confused, I looked at him and cupped his face "Sweet baby Logan" I started licking my lips, his face becoming flustered by my sudden action, which I enjoyed that I had this effect on him, I inched my face closer to his "The count is my blood" I stated hovering right above his lips. Logan gulped and his face was redder then a cherry which caused a snicker to leave my lips "What?" He asked, I let him go and rolled my eyes "The count is my grandfather, you've been four months and no one bothered to explain that to you?" I asked raising an eyebrow "No one talks to me other then you" he admitted, I sighed and wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close "I am your only friend in this shit hole arent I?" I asked he nodded his head slowly.

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