Chapter 6|"Question is can YOU resist me?"

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*Next day*

Sleep is blissful
Until the sun and its burning rays decide to wake you up.

I groaned and turned over in my bed pulling my covers higher. A loud knock came from my door "Go away" I whined, my door opened and closed "Danni you have school" Lucas replied "Go away" I said again chucking my pillow at him only for it to be thrown back at me "Wake up Danni" he said "Make me" I replied. There was silence in my room and shuffling, I smiled feeling I had won until I felt a grip on my ankles and I was literally dragged out of bed, I hit the floor with a loud thud "Ow" I groaned "I said get up" Lucas said alot more sternly now "I said get up" I repeated mocking him with high pitch annoying voice, he shot me a glare before exiting my room. I laid on my floor for a moment before getting up and heading to the bathroom todo my daily routine, walking back into my room staring at my closet pulling on black ripped skinny jeans and a black and white stripped shirt, I pulled on my black and white converse. I headed down stairs and Lucas tossed me a blood bags "Here" he said as he did so, I caugh it "Thanks" I replied ripping it open and drinking it "Where's your bookbag?" He asked "School" I answered, "Why?" He asked "I did nothing yesterday because my paper work goes into today" I replied he nodded and looked at his watch "Go, you are going to be late" he said "I dont have a ride" I said "I guess you have to catch the school bus" he said "Cant you drop me off?" I asked "Nope" he popped the 'P'. I clenched my jaw "Fine, you suck big brother" I muttered "Love you so much more Little sister" he said with a sarcastic tone I rolled my eyes and left the house.

I kicked a pebble as I waited for the school bus. I looked at the time on my phone "Could I have missed it?" I questioned myself feeling like I had been waiting longer then normal, but then I heard it the sound of loud teenagers and the rumble of the bus, I saw the yellow pulled up and the doors opened I was greeted by grumpy face Mavin "Good morning Mavin" I said cheerfully which in return he grunted and shut the bus door. The once loud bus had become silent, everyone was looking at me "Yes?" I demanded everyone shook their head in unison as if they had  rehearsed this very moment.  I walked to the back where a couple was making out, I pulled them apart "Move" I stated and they scrambled to their feet almost tripping over eachother and left to find new seats, I sat down and kicked my feet up on the seat infront of me and looked out the window. Last nights events replayed in my head

Itll be our secret huh?

No. Thou shall not temp me.

Ill be good. No rule breaking. Dont break this rule.

But one kiss couldnt hurt.

One kiss could kill you.

The bus came to hault, snapping out of my thoughts. I looked forward at the front of the bus as Mavin turned around and grunted before opening his mouth, you physically see the green air come from his mouth because of his bad breath but when you are a goblin no matter how many times you brush, you cant get rid of bad breath.  "Get. Out." He growled and everyone left without a second thought wanting to get out before the green air killed them, "I said out Lockheart" he said, "Say it nicer Mavin" I replied, he glared at me with his violet eyes "Out. Now. Lockheart." He said, I pursed my lip together "Nicer" I stated with a smile on my face "Lockheart, I can throw you off the bus" he replied annoyed with me "I bet you would love to touch me" I retorted, he cringed at thought as I did internally not to offend him. Mavin is a goblin and an ugly one at that, "Get out. Please" he finally said "Thankyou" I replied getting up and leaving the bus. I sucked in a sharp breath of fresh air "I really shouldnt do that" I said to myself, realizing I was getting slightly lightheaded from Mavin's bad breath on the bus. I felt eyes on me as I walked and I snapped my head around to find the culprit

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