His disappearing

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Bakugou just sat there, his mind still numb, waiting for whoever was going to come. He didn't know what to do. There was just an endless emptiness in him. When he heard a knock on the door he didn't looked up, he just sat there with his head down. His father opened the door and greeted the person, he sounded happy. Probably already thinking about what he could do with the money. When the person, who was standing in the door, finally said something Bakugou looked up immediately.  He knew that voice, he knew that voice damn well. His suspicion was confirmed when he saw the person standing in the door frame. Dabi. Member of the league of villains. One of the reasons he was kidnapped back then in the camp. Dabi noticed someone staring at him and looked at Bakugou with a smirk on his face then looked back at his father and handed him an envelope. His father opened it looked inside, probably counted the money and then proceeded to take a step back so dabi could enter the apartment. Dabi made his way straight to Bakugou, still smirking.

"Katsuki... well who would have thought we would meet again this soon."

His smirk grew wider and Bakugou winced when Dabi called him by his first name. What could the league of villains possibly want from him? Katsuki thought they were only interested in deku now? So why would they want him? Everything was just making no sense and Bakugou was starting to panic. Just a few minutes ago he was completely empty and now so many things were just starting to fill his mind, drowning him again. Dabi grabbed his arm forcing him to stand up and that's when Bakugou came back to reality. He pushed Dabi away and ran to the door but unfortunately his father had good reflexes and stopped him. He threw him to the ground, making Bakugou cough for air. His father just looked at him with disgust.

"God I'm so fucking glad when you're finally gone. You're so pathetic."

Dabi approached him, lifted him up threw a goodbye in his father's direction and carried him to his car. Bakugou was wiggling, trying to break free but Dabi  had a really strong grip. He knew that nobody would hear him screaming for help. His father's apartment is in one of the poorest parts of the city. There are very few people living here and these people sure wouldn't risk the police finding all the drugs they have at home just to save a boy they don't even know. The car was parked right in front of the apartment so Katsuki had very little time to break free.

"Let go of me you fucker!"

Katsuki was back to his usual self but Dabi didn't mind any of his miserable attempts to break free. He opened the trunk and pushed Bakugou in. They drove for at least an hour and Bakugou couldn't breath properly, it was dark, his hands were tied together and he was slowly starting to get a panic attack, when the car finally stopped and he heard the door open. When Dabi opened the trunk he was blinded by the sun but really glad to finally breath some fresh air again. His eyes slowly attached to the lighting and he could finally look around. They were in a forest and there was a small wooden house in front of them.

"Come one get out princess."

Did he just called him princess?! Excuse him.

"Don't fucking call me that, asshole. Why am i fucking here? What do you want from me?"

He slowly got out of the car which was kinda difficult with you hands tied.  Dabi was watching him carefully, making sure he wouldn't try to escape again.

"You'll see soon."

He turned around and made his way to the house.


He giggled. Bakugou was just swearing behind him. He was thinking about running away but his hands were tied and Dabi would catch up with him fast so the chance of escaping was pretty low. They entered the house, Bakugou right behind Dabi.
There was an open room on the right with a big round table in the middle. Around the table were sitting Toga and some other villains he didn't know. Dabi waved at them and Toga got up and went to them. She hugged Dabi and smiled bright her voice was really high and she was acting like a 13 year old high school girl.

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